[Penggunaan pestisida oleh para petani di Desa Nunuk untuk tanaman di sawah
mereka bukanlah sebuah hal yang baru. Hal ini sudah sejak lama dilakukan, bahkan
berbagai program pengendalian hama terpadu yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi
penggunaan pestisida kimia ini nampaknya tidak membawa banyak perubahan dalam
praktik penggunaan pestisida oleh para petani ini. Hal ini bukannya tanpa alasan. Ada
kesamaan dalam skema para petani yang melandasi terus dilakukannya praktik ini,
skema kognitif yang membuat para petani berada pada kerangka dunia yang
disederhanakan, yaitu mengenai bagaimana mereka sendiri membayangkan dunia ini
semestinya?terutama terkait padi dan sawah. Ini adalah sebuah proses kognitif, yang
kemudian menghasilkan variasi dalam perilaku petani memilih dan menggunakan
pestisida. Penelitian skripsi yang melewati tidak kurang dari dua kali masa panen ini
menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan connectionism sebagai kerangka
analisisnya. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah dengan observasi dan wawancara
mendalam kepada para informan di sebuah desa yang menjadi bagian dari wilayah
Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat;Pesticide usage by farmers in Nunuk Village is not a new thing. This has been going
on for a long time, even the integrated pest management programs with the objective
of diminishing chemical pesticides usage among farmers seem to have no significant
influence in changing farmers? pesticide practices. This isn?t without reason. There?s
a similarity in their schemas which makes this practice continue, a cognitive scheme
which makes the farmers exist in such a simplified world, that is about how they
imagine what this world should be?mainly about paddy and their rice fields. This,
including the various practices in selecting and using pesticides, is a cognitive
process. This research which was undertaken through not less than two harvests
season uses qualitative method with connectionism as the analytical framework. The
data has been collected through observation and in-depth interviews with the
informants in a village which administratively is a part of Indramayu district, West
Java., Pesticide usage by farmers in Nunuk Village is not a new thing. This has been going
on for a long time, even the integrated pest management programs with the objective
of diminishing chemical pesticides usage among farmers seem to have no significant
influence in changing farmers’ pesticide practices. This isn’t without reason. There’s
a similarity in their schemas which makes this practice continue, a cognitive scheme
which makes the farmers exist in such a simplified world, that is about how they
imagine what this world should be—mainly about paddy and their rice fields. This,
including the various practices in selecting and using pesticides, is a cognitive
process. This research which was undertaken through not less than two harvests
season uses qualitative method with connectionism as the analytical framework. The
data has been collected through observation and in-depth interviews with the
informants in a village which administratively is a part of Indramayu district, West