ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas harga keekonomian gas di sektor Hulu dengan menganalisa harga keekonomian pengembangan lapangan atau Plant of Development-POD, Biaya Operasional, Abandonment Site Restoration beserta seluruh komponen keekonomian lainya seperti Asumsi harga, IRR, NPV, Tax, Perjanjian Jual Beli Gas serta komponen harga pada rantai nilai Industri Gas bumi dari hulu ke hilir dengan mempertimbangkan biaya-biaya yang dibutuhkan diantaranya biaya transmisi dan distribusi, pengalokasian gas, strategi dan kebijakan penetapan harga, skema penjualan serta type kontrak yang digunakan. Analisa ekonomi dilakukan dengan menghitung Net Back Value (NBV) serta Simulasi Monte Carlo untuk menggambarkan perubahan variable yang tidak pasti untuk mendapatkan sensitivitas dalam analisa ekonomi. Pada akhir penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diketahui seberapa besar harga keekonomian gas bumi di sektor hulu untuk alokasi kebutuhan gas domestic.
ABSTRACTThis Thesis discusses the economic price of gas in Indonesia by analyzing the economic price of field development and gas industry value chain from upstream to downstream taking into account the costs required by the producer gas (upstream costs), the cost of transmission and distribution, gas allocation, strategy and pricing policies, sales scheme and type of contract used. Economic analysis is done by calculating the Net Back Value (NBV) as well as Monte Carlo simulations to describe the uncertain variables change to get the sensitivity of the economic analysis. At the end of this study are expected to know how big the economic price of natural gas in the upstream sector for allocation of domestic gas demand, as a case study in this research will also be analyzed Gas Sale Contract in Upstream Oil Company which will be evaluated against the results of the analysis of economic gas prices in Indonesia based on the simulation results of the value chain