ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas tenang analisis proses rekonstruksi pembentukan standar
nasional pendidikan kedokteran menurut sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 29 Tahun 2004
tentang Praktik Kedokteran dan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2013 tentang
Pendidikan Kedokteran dengan menggunakan pendekatan post positivism. Ditemukan
adanya ketidak-sinkronan antara kedua Undang-Undang tersebut, sehingga
mengakibatkan terjadinya sengketa kewenangan (dispute of power) secara vertikal dan
horizontal yang melibatkan dua lembaga pemerintah dan masyarakat kedokteran.
Ditemukan juga adanya konflik norma yang diatur dan substansi dalam standar
pendidikan profesi dokter dan dokter gigi.
Sinkronisasi, harmonisasi dan sinergitas terhadap subyek yang mengatur yaitu antara
pemerintah dan masyarakat kedokteran serta terhadap obyek yang diatur yaitu standar
pendidikan kedokteran, menjadi solusi bagi proses rekonstruksi pembentukan standar
pendidikan yang disahkan Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia menjadi Standar Nasional
Pendidikan Kedokteran yang selanjutnya akan ditetapkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan.
Peran aktor pemerintah dan masyarakat kedokteran menjadi kunci dalam melakukan
sinkronisasi, harmonisasi, dan sinergitas SNPK. Kedua Undang-Undang tersebut dapat
menjadi kebijakan yang saling melengkapi jika jika tidak ada ego sektoral masingmasing
institusi dalam membentuk kebijakan SNPK.
ABSTRACTThis research is about public policy to analysis process of reconstruction medical and
dental national education standard between The Indonesian Law Number 29 year 2004
Regarding Medical Practices and The Indonesian Law Number 20 year 2013 Regarding
Medical Education with post positivism approach. This research found that
unsynchronized between both formal policies that caused dispute of power vertically
and horizontally between governments and medical communities. This research also
found conflict about norms and substances of medical and dental education standards.
Synchronization, and harmonization, and synergize to subject between governments
and medical communities, also to object those medical and dental education standards
become the best solutions to do reconstruction the standards. These standards of
medical and dental professions education that approved by the Indonesia Medical
Council should be a part of the National Medical Education Standard that will be
approved by Ministry of National Education. The actors of governments and medical
communities as the key to synchronize, and harmonize, and synergize of the National
Medical Education Standard. Both of national formal policies will be complemented
each others if there's no more the sectoral egoism each institution to formulate the
National Medical Education Standard.;This research is about public policy to analysis process of reconstruction medical and
dental national education standard between The Indonesian Law Number 29 year 2004
Regarding Medical Practices and The Indonesian Law Number 20 year 2013 Regarding
Medical Education with post positivism approach. This research found that
unsynchronized between both formal policies that caused dispute of power vertically
and horizontally between governments and medical communities. This research also
found conflict about norms and substances of medical and dental education standards.
Synchronization, and harmonization, and synergize to subject between governments
and medical communities, also to object those medical and dental education standards
become the best solutions to do reconstruction the standards. These standards of
medical and dental professions education that approved by the Indonesia Medical
Council should be a part of the National Medical Education Standard that will be
approved by Ministry of National Education. The actors of governments and medical
communities as the key to synchronize, and harmonize, and synergize of the National
Medical Education Standard. Both of national formal policies will be complemented
each others if there's no more the sectoral egoism each institution to formulate the
National Medical Education Standard., This research is about public policy to analysis process of reconstruction medical and
dental national education standard between The Indonesian Law Number 29 year 2004
Regarding Medical Practices and The Indonesian Law Number 20 year 2013 Regarding
Medical Education with post positivism approach. This research found that
unsynchronized between both formal policies that caused dispute of power vertically
and horizontally between governments and medical communities. This research also
found conflict about norms and substances of medical and dental education standards.
Synchronization, and harmonization, and synergize to subject between governments
and medical communities, also to object those medical and dental education standards
become the best solutions to do reconstruction the standards. These standards of
medical and dental professions education that approved by the Indonesia Medical
Council should be a part of the National Medical Education Standard that will be
approved by Ministry of National Education. The actors of governments and medical
communities as the key to synchronize, and harmonize, and synergize of the National
Medical Education Standard. Both of national formal policies will be complemented
each others if there's no more the sectoral egoism each institution to formulate the
National Medical Education Standard.]