ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menguraikan mengenai dampak dari fenomena irregular and undocumented migration di Indonesia. Dimana fenomena tersebut sejatinya diperparah dengan praktik keimigrasian yang tidak efektif dan efisien. Praktik imigrasi yang demikian pada akhirnya menduplikasi dampak negatif baik bagi negara tujuan, transit, dan negara asal. Tujuan dari penulisan tesis ini adalah memberikan kajian atas dampak dan penyebab fenomena tersebut dan menyusun strategi kebijakan yang lebih disesuaikan dengan konsep best practices di bidang hukum imgrasi internasional sebagai konsep yang inovatif, membawa hasil, berkelanjutan, dan efektif tidak hanya dalam pengaplikasiannya namun juga dalam menanggulangi dampak yang telah terjadi.
ABSTRACTThis writing emphasizes the impact of the phenomenon of irregular and undocumented migration in Indonesia. Where the phenomenon is actually exacerbated by immigration practices which are not effective and efficient. Such Immigration practices thereby ultimately duplicate negative impact for destination countries, transit country, and origin countries. The purpose of this thesis is to provide an assessment of the impact and causes of this phenomenon. This thesis also develop a policy strategy that is more adapted to the concept of ?best practices? in the field of international migration law as an innovative concept, bringing results, sustained, and effective not only in its application but also in tackling the impact that has already occurred.;This writing emphasizes the impact of the phenomenon of irregular and undocumented migration in Indonesia. Where the phenomenon is actually exacerbated by immigration practices which are not effective and efficient. Such Immigration practices thereby ultimately duplicate negative impact for destination countries, transit country, and origin countries. The purpose of this thesis is to provide an assessment of the impact and causes of this phenomenon. This thesis also develop a policy strategy that is more adapted to the concept of ?best practices? in the field of international migration law as an innovative concept, bringing results, sustained, and effective not only in its application but also in tackling the impact that has already occurred.;This writing emphasizes the impact of the phenomenon of irregular and undocumented migration in Indonesia. Where the phenomenon is actually exacerbated by immigration practices which are not effective and efficient. Such Immigration practices thereby ultimately duplicate negative impact for destination countries, transit country, and origin countries. The purpose of this thesis is to provide an assessment of the impact and causes of this phenomenon. This thesis also develop a policy strategy that is more adapted to the concept of “best practices” in the field of international migration law as an innovative concept, bringing results, sustained, and effective not only in its application but also in tackling the impact that has already occurred., This writing emphasizes the impact of the phenomenon of irregular and undocumented migration in Indonesia. Where the phenomenon is actually exacerbated by immigration practices which are not effective and efficient. Such Immigration practices thereby ultimately duplicate negative impact for destination countries, transit country, and origin countries. The purpose of this thesis is to provide an assessment of the impact and causes of this phenomenon. This thesis also develop a policy strategy that is more adapted to the concept of “best practices” in the field of international migration law as an innovative concept, bringing results, sustained, and effective not only in its application but also in tackling the impact that has already occurred.]