ABSTRAKTinjauan Yuridis Perjanjian Dengan Kredit Take Over PT Bank X: (Studi Kasus Perjanjian
Kredit Antara PT Bank X Dengan PT A). Permasalah dalam tesisi ini yaitu pertama,
bagaimana pengaturan mengenai perjanjian kredit dengan take over yang dilakukan kreditur
dan debitur dari segi teori hukum perjanjian, dan kedua bagaimana akibat hukum peralihan
perjanjian take over pada PT.Bank X. Kesimpulan yang didapat dalam penelitian ini bahwa
perjanjian take over memiliki sembilan tahapan untuk melakukan suatu perpindahan take
over dan memiliki akibat hukum yaitu perpindahan dari segi subjek hukum kreditur dan
perpindahan jaminan. Sedangkan saran penelitian ini, persaingan industri perbankan
diharapkan suatu bank dapat memberikan yang terbaik dengan nasabah secara cepat dan
fleksibel namun dikuatkan kontrol pengawasannya dan digalakan suatu suatu sistem hak
tanggungan online untuk mempercepat birokrasi.
ABSTRACTAnalitical Review Agerement Of Credit Take Over PT Bank X: (Case Study With the party
PT Bank X and PT A as debtor), problems in this tesisi: first, how the arrangement of the
credit agreement with the take over of creditors and debtors is carried out in terms of the
theory of contract law, and secondly how the law due to take over the transition agreement
PT.Bank X. The conclusion of this research that the agreement take over has nine stages to
perform a transfer take over and have legal effect that the displacement in terms of legal
subjects and displacement guarantee creditors. While the suggestion of this research, the
banking industry competition is expected of a bank can give the best to our customers quickly
and flexibly but strengthened its supervision and control of a major project an online
mortgage system to speed up the bureaucracy.;Analitical Review Agerement Of Credit Take Over PT Bank X: (Case Study With the party
PT Bank X and PT A as debtor), problems in this tesisi: first, how the arrangement of the
credit agreement with the take over of creditors and debtors is carried out in terms of the
theory of contract law, and secondly how the law due to take over the transition agreement
PT.Bank X. The conclusion of this research that the agreement take over has nine stages to
perform a transfer take over and have legal effect that the displacement in terms of legal
subjects and displacement guarantee creditors. While the suggestion of this research, the
banking industry competition is expected of a bank can give the best to our customers quickly
and flexibly but strengthened its supervision and control of a major project an online
mortgage system to speed up the bureaucracy.;Analitical Review Agerement Of Credit Take Over PT Bank X: (Case Study With the party
PT Bank X and PT A as debtor), problems in this tesisi: first, how the arrangement of the
credit agreement with the take over of creditors and debtors is carried out in terms of the
theory of contract law, and secondly how the law due to take over the transition agreement
PT.Bank X. The conclusion of this research that the agreement take over has nine stages to
perform a transfer take over and have legal effect that the displacement in terms of legal
subjects and displacement guarantee creditors. While the suggestion of this research, the
banking industry competition is expected of a bank can give the best to our customers quickly
and flexibly but strengthened its supervision and control of a major project an online
mortgage system to speed up the bureaucracy., Analitical Review Agerement Of Credit Take Over PT Bank X: (Case Study With the party
PT Bank X and PT A as debtor), problems in this tesisi: first, how the arrangement of the
credit agreement with the take over of creditors and debtors is carried out in terms of the
theory of contract law, and secondly how the law due to take over the transition agreement
PT.Bank X. The conclusion of this research that the agreement take over has nine stages to
perform a transfer take over and have legal effect that the displacement in terms of legal
subjects and displacement guarantee creditors. While the suggestion of this research, the
banking industry competition is expected of a bank can give the best to our customers quickly
and flexibly but strengthened its supervision and control of a major project an online
mortgage system to speed up the bureaucracy.]