ABSTRAKMorbiditas dan mortalitas apendisitis akut disebabkan karena perkembangan apendisitis akut
menjadi perforasi apendiks. Hal-hal yang menyebabkan kerentanan apendiks belum banyak
diteliti dan belum diketahui sebab pastinya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang dapat memprediksi terjadinya perforasi apendiks.
Penelitian menggunakan desain kasus kontrol menggunakan data sekunder berupa rekam
medis penderita apendisitis akut dewasa tahun 2013-2014 dengan jumlah kasus (perforasi
apendiks) 36 dan kontrol (non perforasi) 93. Analisis data yang dilakukan meliputi deskriptif,
chi square, receiver operating characteristic, dan regresi logistik multivariat. Dua faktor
prediksi yang bermakna sebagai faktor prediksi perforasi apendiks dalam analisis regresi
logistik multivariat adalah suhu badan diatas 37,50C dengan odds ratio (OR) 7,54 (95% CI
2,01; 28,33), jumlah leukosit diatas 11.500/mm3 dengan OR 12,12 (95% CI 4,03; 36,48)
Perlu validasi pemeriksaan suhu badan di RS, penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mencari faktor
prediksi lainnya, persiapan operasi segera untuk pencegahan komplikasi perforasi apendiks,
dan pemberian informasi ke masyarakat bahwa sakit perut dapat bersifat gawat darurat.
ABSTRACTAppendix perforation is the causation for acute appendicitis morbidity and mortality . Factors
that may cause appendix vulnerability has not been extensively studied before and the main
cause is still yet unknown. The goal of this study is to analyze what factors that could be used
to predict appendix perforation. This study is a case control study using 2013-2014 medical
records as data. Case group pooled from 36 perforated appendix adult (above 15 years old)
patients, while control group pooled from 93 non perforated appendix adult patients. Data
analysis conducted are descriptive, chi square, receiver operating characteristic, and
multivariate logistic regression. There are two prediction factors which significantly
associated with perforated appendix. Those are body temperature above 37,50C with odds
ratio (OR) 7,54 (95% CI 2,01; 28,33), and leucocytes count above 11.500/mm3 with OR
12,12 (95% CI 4,03; 36,48). Further studies and body temperature validation on each hospital
are needed to find other prediction factors, preparing pre operative equipment for immediate
definite measure like surgery, to prevent the complication of perforated appendix, and
education to people that abdominal pain is not always causing by gastric problem and it
might be a case of emergency.;Appendix perforation is the causation for acute appendicitis morbidity and mortality . Factors
that may cause appendix vulnerability has not been extensively studied before and the main
cause is still yet unknown. The goal of this study is to analyze what factors that could be used
to predict appendix perforation. This study is a case control study using 2013-2014 medical
records as data. Case group pooled from 36 perforated appendix adult (above 15 years old)
patients, while control group pooled from 93 non perforated appendix adult patients. Data
analysis conducted are descriptive, chi square, receiver operating characteristic, and
multivariate logistic regression. There are two prediction factors which significantly
associated with perforated appendix. Those are body temperature above 37,50C with odds
ratio (OR) 7,54 (95% CI 2,01; 28,33), and leucocytes count above 11.500/mm3 with OR
12,12 (95% CI 4,03; 36,48). Further studies and body temperature validation on each hospital
are needed to find other prediction factors, preparing pre operative equipment for immediate
definite measure like surgery, to prevent the complication of perforated appendix, and
education to people that abdominal pain is not always causing by gastric problem and it
might be a case of emergency., Appendix perforation is the causation for acute appendicitis morbidity and mortality . Factors
that may cause appendix vulnerability has not been extensively studied before and the main
cause is still yet unknown. The goal of this study is to analyze what factors that could be used
to predict appendix perforation. This study is a case control study using 2013-2014 medical
records as data. Case group pooled from 36 perforated appendix adult (above 15 years old)
patients, while control group pooled from 93 non perforated appendix adult patients. Data
analysis conducted are descriptive, chi square, receiver operating characteristic, and
multivariate logistic regression. There are two prediction factors which significantly
associated with perforated appendix. Those are body temperature above 37,50C with odds
ratio (OR) 7,54 (95% CI 2,01; 28,33), and leucocytes count above 11.500/mm3 with OR
12,12 (95% CI 4,03; 36,48). Further studies and body temperature validation on each hospital
are needed to find other prediction factors, preparing pre operative equipment for immediate
definite measure like surgery, to prevent the complication of perforated appendix, and
education to people that abdominal pain is not always causing by gastric problem and it
might be a case of emergency.]