ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas pengaruh pajanan polusi udara dan karakteristik individu terhadap gangguan fungsi paru pada 45 polisi lalu lintas lapangan dan polisi bagian administrasi dan SIM. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan desain studi crossectional dan analisis bivariat Chi Square. Penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penugasan kerja (OR=1,63), umur (OR=1,83), status gizi (OR=2,29), lama kerja seminggu (OR=9,20), riwayat penyakit (OR=2,50), kebiasaan merokok
(OR=1,29) dan penggunaan APD (OR=1,83) terhadap gangguan fungsi paru pada polisi. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa perlu adanya pemeriksaan spirometri secara berkala, peningkatan program penyelenggaraan alat pelindung diri, pengontrolan berat badan, dan upaya promosi serta preventif kesehatan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the effects of air pollution exposure and individual characteristics of the pulmonary function impairment in 45 field traffic police and administration police and SIM. This quantitative study used crossectional study design and bivariat analysis Chi Square. This study shows the effect of job assignment (OR = 1,63), age (OR = 1,83), nutritional status (OR = 2,29), long working week (OR = 9,20), disease history (OR = 2,50), smoking (OR = 1,93) and use of PPE (OR = 1,29) on pulmonary function impairment in the police. The results of the study suggest the need of regular spirometry screening, improved
implementation of PPE program, weight control, and health promotion and prevention.;This thesis discusses the effects of air pollution exposure and individual characteristics of the pulmonary function impairment in 45 field traffic police and administration police and SIM. This quantitative study used crossectional study design and bivariat analysis Chi Square. This study shows the effect of job assignment (OR = 1,63), age (OR = 1,83), nutritional status (OR = 2,29), long working week (OR = 9,20), disease history (OR = 2,50), smoking (OR = 1,93) and use of PPE (OR = 1,29) on pulmonary function impairment in the police. The results of the study suggest the need of regular spirometry screening, improved
implementation of PPE program, weight control, and health promotion and prevention., This thesis discusses the effects of air pollution exposure and individual characteristics of the pulmonary function impairment in 45 field traffic police and administration police and SIM. This quantitative study used crossectional study design and bivariat analysis Chi Square. This study shows the effect of job assignment (OR = 1,63), age (OR = 1,83), nutritional status (OR = 2,29), long working week (OR = 9,20), disease history (OR = 2,50), smoking (OR = 1,93) and use of PPE (OR = 1,29) on pulmonary function impairment in the police. The results of the study suggest the need of regular spirometry screening, improved
implementation of PPE program, weight control, and health promotion and prevention.]