ABSTRAKKejahatan semakin berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan masyarakat dunia.
Kejahatan atau tindak pidana yang awalnya berkutat di dalam satu wilayah Negara
saja semakin berkembang hingga dirasakan hingga di luar wilayah suatu Negara.
Jenis kejahatan yang seperti itu disebut sebagai kejahatan transnasional. Dalam
rangka menanggulangi kejahatan jenis tersebut semakin merajalela, dilaksanakan
suatu mekanisme yang diharapkan akan efektif memfasilitasi kerjasama antar
Negara. Kerjasama yang dimaksud adalah Bantuan Timbal Balik Dalam Masalah
Pidana. Kerjasama Bantuan Timbal Balik Dalam Masalah Pidana dibuat dalam
bentuk perjanjian bilateral internasional hingga perjanjian multilateral
internasional. Pengikatan antar Negara dalam bentuk perjanjian bilateral dianggap
lebih efektif karena melibatkan dan berlaku hanya dalam yurisdiksi dua Negara.
ABSTRACTCrimes are growing along with the development of the world community. Crime
which initially taken place just in one state?s territory then growing up to be taken
place in more than one state?s territory. This type of the crime called as
transnational crime. In order to cope with that increasing crime there is one
mechanism that is expected to facilitate effective international cooperation which
can be called as Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters. Mutual Assistance
In Criminal Matters were made in the form of international bilateral agreements or
in multilateral international treaties. Bilateral agreements are considered to be
more effective because it involves and applies only in the jurisdiction of two
states.;Crimes are growing along with the development of the world community. Crime
which initially taken place just in one state’s territory then growing up to be taken
place in more than one state’s territory. This type of the crime called as
transnational crime. In order to cope with that increasing crime there is one
mechanism that is expected to facilitate effective international cooperation which
can be called as Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters. Mutual Assistance
In Criminal Matters were made in the form of international bilateral agreements or
in multilateral international treaties. Bilateral agreements are considered to be
more effective because it involves and applies only in the jurisdiction of two
states., Crimes are growing along with the development of the world community. Crime
which initially taken place just in one state’s territory then growing up to be taken
place in more than one state’s territory. This type of the crime called as
transnational crime. In order to cope with that increasing crime there is one
mechanism that is expected to facilitate effective international cooperation which
can be called as Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters. Mutual Assistance
In Criminal Matters were made in the form of international bilateral agreements or
in multilateral international treaties. Bilateral agreements are considered to be
more effective because it involves and applies only in the jurisdiction of two