ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai Perlindungan hukum bagi bank selaku kreditur
pemegang Hak Tanggungan dalam Kredit Pemilikan Rumah dengan kasus yang
terjadi pada Bank X, dimana jaminan kredit yang ada pada Bank X digugat oleh
pihak ketiga yang mengaku sebagai pemilik sah dari jaminan tersebut. Kedudukan
Bank X selaku kreditur preference pemegang Hak Tanggungan dan proses
pemberian kredit yang dilakukan pun dipertanyakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan
metode penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan
kualitatif untuk menghasilkan data deskriptif analitis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian
dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses KPR yang dilakukan oleh Bank X sudah sesuai
dengan ketentuan perkreditan yang ada dengan menerapkan prisnip prudential
banking dengan baik. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan Bank X merupakan
kreditur yang beritikad baik, sehingga kepentingannya harus dilindungi oleh
hukum. Dalam Yurisprudensi Mahkamah Agung Repubik Indonesia No.
394/K/Pdt/1984 tanggal 31 Mei 1985 sudah mengatur perlindungan hukum
terhadap bank selaku kreditur yang beritikad baik. Namun dalam kasus ini hukum
tersebut dikesampingkan, dan kedudukan bank selaku kreditur preference menjadi
tidak mutlak.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the legal protection for the bank as creditor Mortgage
holders in Housing Credit From Bank X Cases, where the credit guarantees
available From the Bank X sued by a third party claiming to be legitimate owner
of the collateral. The Bank X Status as the holder of preference Mortgage lenders
shaken and processes performed lending has also been questioned. This study
case uses the literature resources with juridical normative approach to generate
qualitative analytical descriptive data. Based on the results of this study
concluded that the mortgage process is carried out by the Bank X is in conformity
with the provisions of the existing credit by applying prudential banking
principles as well. Therefore, it can be said that Bank X as a good faith creditor,
so its interest should be protected by law. In the Indonesia Supreme Court's
Jurisprudence No. 394/K/Pdt/1984 on May 31, 1985 has been set as the legal
protection of creditor banks were acting in good faith. But in this case the law be
excluded, and the position of the bank as creditor preference not becomes
absolute;This thesis discusses the legal protection for the bank as creditor Mortgage
holders in Housing Credit From Bank X Cases, where the credit guarantees
available From the Bank X sued by a third party claiming to be legitimate owner
of the collateral. The Bank X Status as the holder of preference Mortgage lenders
shaken and processes performed lending has also been questioned. This study
case uses the literature resources with juridical normative approach to generate
qualitative analytical descriptive data. Based on the results of this study
concluded that the mortgage process is carried out by the Bank X is in conformity
with the provisions of the existing credit by applying prudential banking
principles as well. Therefore, it can be said that Bank X as a good faith creditor,
so its interest should be protected by law. In the Indonesia Supreme Court's
Jurisprudence No. 394/K/Pdt/1984 on May 31, 1985 has been set as the legal
protection of creditor banks were acting in good faith. But in this case the law be
excluded, and the position of the bank as creditor preference not becomes
absolute, This thesis discusses the legal protection for the bank as creditor Mortgage
holders in Housing Credit From Bank X Cases, where the credit guarantees
available From the Bank X sued by a third party claiming to be legitimate owner
of the collateral. The Bank X Status as the holder of preference Mortgage lenders
shaken and processes performed lending has also been questioned. This study
case uses the literature resources with juridical normative approach to generate
qualitative analytical descriptive data. Based on the results of this study
concluded that the mortgage process is carried out by the Bank X is in conformity
with the provisions of the existing credit by applying prudential banking
principles as well. Therefore, it can be said that Bank X as a good faith creditor,
so its interest should be protected by law. In the Indonesia Supreme Court's
Jurisprudence No. 394/K/Pdt/1984 on May 31, 1985 has been set as the legal
protection of creditor banks were acting in good faith. But in this case the law be
excluded, and the position of the bank as creditor preference not becomes