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UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Perlindungan konsumen nasabah PT Pegadaian (Persero) atas klausula baku kredit gadai KCA (kredit cepat aman) dalam peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan Nomor 1/PJOK. 07/2013 tentang perlindungan konsumen = customers protection consumer PT Pegadaian (Persero) for KCA standard clause (fast secured loans) in the regulation of the financial services authority no. 1 /POJK.07/2013 on protection of consumer financial services sector

Muntia Andhi Nutrilon; Inosentius Samsul, supervisor; Ratih Lestarini, examiner; Sitompul, Zulkarnain, examiner ([, Universitas Indonesia], 2014)


Munculnya Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan memberi pengaruh pada penerapan
perlindungan konsumen di sektor jasa keuangan khususnya pergadaian yang salah satunya
adalah PT. Pegadaian (Persero). Sebagai ilustrasi tentang adanya permasalahan mengenai
pemberlakuan larangan klausula baku adalah dengan adanya kasus sengketa PT Pegadaian
(Persero) dengan Martha Sitorus dan Imelda Marina Sibuea merupakan salah satu korban dari
ketidakpahaman mengenai perjanjian baku yang telah disetujuinya di dalam Surat Bukti
Kredit, Barang jaminan nasabah tersebut dilelang oleh PT Pegadaian (Persero) tanpa
sepengetahuan nasabah pemilik barang jaminan. Dari kasus tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa
akses informasi tidak didapatkan oleh nasabah Pegadaian. Dengan dikeluarkannya Peraturan
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yang mengatur tentang perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa
Keuangan, jika kemudian hari terjadi kasus seperti itu maka banyak pembaharuanpembaharuan
yang harus dilaksanakan oleh Pelaku Usaha termasuk didalamnya usaha Gadai
yang dilaksanakan oleh PT. Pegadaian (Persero) untuk menjamin pelaksanaan perlindungan
konsumen/nasabah. Diantaranya pelaku usaha diwajibkan untuk menyelenggarakan edukasi
dalam rangka meningkatkan literasi keuangan, melaksanakan mekanisme pelayanan dan
penyelesaian pengaduan bagi konsumen yang sebelumnya dilaksanakan oleh BPSK (Badan
Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen) selanjutnya dapat ditangani oleh LAPS (Lembaga
Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa), dan mewajibkan pelaku usaha untuk memiliki unit kerja
yang berfungsi untuk menangani pengaduan yang diajukan konsumen

The emergence of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority to give effect to the application of consumer
protection in the financial services sector in particular mortgages, one of which is PT. Pegadaian (Persero). As
an illustration of the problem of the existence of the ban is a standard clause in cases of dispute PT Pegadaian
(Persero) with Martha Sitorus and Imelda Sibuea Marina is one of the victims of misunderstanding about the
standard contract that has been approved in the Proof of credit, guarantees the customer's goods auctioned PT
Pegadaian (Persero) without the knowledge of the owner of customer collateral. From these cases it can be seen
that access to information is not obtained by the customer Pawn. With the enactment of the Financial Services
Authority which regulates the protection of Consumer Financial Services Sector, if later on in cases like that
then a lot of the reforms that must be implemented by business actors including Pawn effort undertaken by PT.
Pegadaian (Persero) to ensure the implementation of the protection of the consumer / customer. Among business
operators are required to hold in order to improve the education of financial literacy, implementing mechanisms
and resolution service for consumers who previously carried out by the BPSK (Consumer Dispute Settlement
Body) can be addressed by LAPS (Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute), and requires businesses to have
work units that serve to handle consumer complaints filed;The emergence of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority to give effect to the application of consumer
protection in the financial services sector in particular mortgages, one of which is PT. Pegadaian (Persero). As
an illustration of the problem of the existence of the ban is a standard clause in cases of dispute PT Pegadaian
(Persero) with Martha Sitorus and Imelda Sibuea Marina is one of the victims of misunderstanding about the
standard contract that has been approved in the Proof of credit, guarantees the customer's goods auctioned PT
Pegadaian (Persero) without the knowledge of the owner of customer collateral. From these cases it can be seen
that access to information is not obtained by the customer Pawn. With the enactment of the Financial Services
Authority which regulates the protection of Consumer Financial Services Sector, if later on in cases like that
then a lot of the reforms that must be implemented by business actors including Pawn effort undertaken by PT.
Pegadaian (Persero) to ensure the implementation of the protection of the consumer / customer. Among business
operators are required to hold in order to improve the education of financial literacy, implementing mechanisms
and resolution service for consumers who previously carried out by the BPSK (Consumer Dispute Settlement
Body) can be addressed by LAPS (Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute), and requires businesses to have
work units that serve to handle consumer complaints filed, The emergence of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority to give effect to the application of consumer
protection in the financial services sector in particular mortgages, one of which is PT. Pegadaian (Persero). As
an illustration of the problem of the existence of the ban is a standard clause in cases of dispute PT Pegadaian
(Persero) with Martha Sitorus and Imelda Sibuea Marina is one of the victims of misunderstanding about the
standard contract that has been approved in the Proof of credit, guarantees the customer's goods auctioned PT
Pegadaian (Persero) without the knowledge of the owner of customer collateral. From these cases it can be seen
that access to information is not obtained by the customer Pawn. With the enactment of the Financial Services
Authority which regulates the protection of Consumer Financial Services Sector, if later on in cases like that
then a lot of the reforms that must be implemented by business actors including Pawn effort undertaken by PT.
Pegadaian (Persero) to ensure the implementation of the protection of the consumer / customer. Among business
operators are required to hold in order to improve the education of financial literacy, implementing mechanisms
and resolution service for consumers who previously carried out by the BPSK (Consumer Dispute Settlement
Body) can be addressed by LAPS (Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute), and requires businesses to have
work units that serve to handle consumer complaints filed]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T42555
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [, Universitas Indonesia], 2014
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : unmediated ; computer
Tipe Carrier : volume ; online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : viii, 113 pages : illustration ; 28 cm
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
  • Ketersediaan
  • Ulasan
  • Sampul
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