ABSTRAKMunculnya pelbagai problematika pertanahan terkait persediaan tanah bagi
pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum mendorong pemerintah untuk mencari
alternatif solusi kebijakan pertanahan yang terpadu yaitu Bank Tanah.
Berdasarkan identifikasi permasalahan tersebut, maka tujuan penulisan tesis ini
adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah konsep Bank Tanah dan bagaimanakah
penerapan konsep Bank Tanah dalam pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum
ditinjau dari konsep hukum pertanahan di Indonesia. Penulisan tesis ini
menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan data sekunder yang
dilengkapi wawancara dengan narasumber sebagai data pendukungnya. Sebagai
hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsep Bank Tanah merupakan solusi
mengatasi masalah pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum apabila ditinjau
dari konsep hukum pertanahan di Indonesia. Bank Tanah merupakan kegiatan
pemerintah untuk menyediakan tanah yang dialokasikan penggunaannya di masa
mendatang, tergantung tujuan pengambilalihan tanahnya. Kewenangan pemerintah
dalam Bank Tanah muncul dari konsep Hak Menguasai Negara yang dibatasi oleh
fungsi sosial tanah. Menurut konsep hukum pertanahan di Indonesia, Bank Tanah
merupakan bagian kebijakan dalam pembaruan agraria, bagian dari aspek
penataan ruang, kebijakan penanganan tanah terlantar, serta sebagai kerja sama
antar sektor pembangunan dalam rangka pengadaan tanah. Guna dapat
menerapkan Bank Tanah di Indonesia, negara perlu menyesuaikan aspek
kelembagaan, tujuan, kewenangan dan pembiayaan ke dalam konsepsi Bank
Tanah Umum Publik.
ABSTRACTThe emergence of various land-related problems based on needs of land supply
for development for public purposes encourages the government to look for
alternative solutions that integrated land policy which is the Land Bank. Based on
problem identifications, the purpose of this thesis is to determine how Land Bank
concept is applicated in general and used as land acquisition techniques for public
purposes judging from land law concept in Indonesia. This thesis uses the method
of normative-legal research method with secondary data sources include
interviews with informants as supporting data. This research concluded that the
concept of the Land Bank is a solution to overcome land acquisition issues for
public purposes judging from the concept of land law in Indonesia. Land Bank is
a government activity to provide the allocated land to use in the future, depending
on the purpose of land acquisition. Government?s authority in Land Bank concept
is based on the state control concept bordered by the social function of land.
According to land law concept in Indonesia, the Land Bank is part of the agrarian
reform policy, part of state spatial planning, part of abandoned-land management
policies, as well as part of cooperation between sectors of development in order to
perform land acquisition for public purposes. In order to implement the Land
Bank concept in Indonesia, the state needs to adjust to the institutional aspects,
objectives, authorities and funding into the conception of General Public Land
Bank.;The emergence of various land-related problems based on needs of land supply
for development for public purposes encourages the government to look for
alternative solutions that integrated land policy which is the Land Bank. Based on
problem identifications, the purpose of this thesis is to determine how Land Bank
concept is applicated in general and used as land acquisition techniques for public
purposes judging from land law concept in Indonesia. This thesis uses the method
of normative-legal research method with secondary data sources include
interviews with informants as supporting data. This research concluded that the
concept of the Land Bank is a solution to overcome land acquisition issues for
public purposes judging from the concept of land law in Indonesia. Land Bank is
a government activity to provide the allocated land to use in the future, depending
on the purpose of land acquisition. Government’s authority in Land Bank concept
is based on the state control concept bordered by the social function of land.
According to land law concept in Indonesia, the Land Bank is part of the agrarian
reform policy, part of state spatial planning, part of abandoned-land management
policies, as well as part of cooperation between sectors of development in order to
perform land acquisition for public purposes. In order to implement the Land
Bank concept in Indonesia, the state needs to adjust to the institutional aspects,
objectives, authorities and funding into the conception of General Public Land
Bank., The emergence of various land-related problems based on needs of land supply
for development for public purposes encourages the government to look for
alternative solutions that integrated land policy which is the Land Bank. Based on
problem identifications, the purpose of this thesis is to determine how Land Bank
concept is applicated in general and used as land acquisition techniques for public
purposes judging from land law concept in Indonesia. This thesis uses the method
of normative-legal research method with secondary data sources include
interviews with informants as supporting data. This research concluded that the
concept of the Land Bank is a solution to overcome land acquisition issues for
public purposes judging from the concept of land law in Indonesia. Land Bank is
a government activity to provide the allocated land to use in the future, depending
on the purpose of land acquisition. Government’s authority in Land Bank concept
is based on the state control concept bordered by the social function of land.
According to land law concept in Indonesia, the Land Bank is part of the agrarian
reform policy, part of state spatial planning, part of abandoned-land management
policies, as well as part of cooperation between sectors of development in order to
perform land acquisition for public purposes. In order to implement the Land
Bank concept in Indonesia, the state needs to adjust to the institutional aspects,
objectives, authorities and funding into the conception of General Public Land