ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai kewenangan Pekerja mengajukan permohonan
pailit atas perusahaan tempatnya bekerja atas dasar utang upah atau utang
pesangon berdasarkan putusan Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial yang belum
dibayarkan. Pokok permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah kedudukan pekerja untuk
mengajukan permohonan pailit berdasarkan putusan PHI ditinjau dari UU
Hubungan Industrial dan UU Kepailitan dalam implementasi pelaksanaannya.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis normative,
sedangkan metode analisis datanya adalah metode kualitatif.
Pekerja merupakan bagian dari suatu perusahaan dan juga merupakan salah satu
pemangku kepentingan dalam suatu perusahaan. Namun demikian, dalam hal
terjadi pertentangan atau sengketa antara pekerja dan perusahaan (pengusaha)
sering kali meskipun dibawa ke pengadilan PHI tetap saja putusannya tidak
dipatuhi khususnya oleh perusahaan (pengusaha). UU Kepailitan secara tidak
langsung mensyaratkan bahwa bisa saja seorang pekerja mengajukan permohonan
pailit berdasarkan utang upah atau pesangon yang utangnya telah dinyatakan oleh
Pengadilan PHI.
UU Kepailitan secara tidak langsung menegaskan dalam hal proses pengajuan
permohonan pailit harus secara tegas memang sudah merupakan kewenangan
Pengadilan Niaga dan tidak atau sudah tidak ada kewenangan absolut Pengadilan
lain. Dalam tesis ini ditarik suatu kesimpulan bahwa pada dasarnya bisa saja
seorang pekerja mengajukan permohonan pailit atas dasar utang upah atau
pesangon, namun pekerja harus melakukan proses di Pengadilan PHI terlebih
dahulu dan hal ini dalam praktek akan sangat sulit dilakukan dikarenakan proses
di Pengadilan PHI membolehkan adanya eksekusi dengan cara sita dan lelang
dimana hal tersebut biasanya sudah membayar secara lunas utang perusahaan
kepada pekerja. Diharapkan dimasa depan telah diatur secara tegas kewenangan
absolut Pengadilan Niaga dan adanya pemahaman hakim niaga yang sama bahwa
proses yang terjadi di Pengadilan Niaga tidak boleh bersinggungan dengan
Pengadilan lain kecuali diatur secara tegas oleh Undang-Undang.
ABSTRACTThis thesis is describing about legal standing of employee to submit bankruptcy
petition for the company based on payable wages declared by Industrial Relation
Court. The main issues of this thesis are legal standing of employee to submit
bankruptcy petition based on decision of industrial relation court in the
implementation reviewed from Industrial Relation Act and Bankruptcy Act. This
thesis used Juridical norms approach as research method and also qualitative
data analysis as the analysis method.
Employees are part of company as well as one of the stakeholders in a company.
However, if there is any disputes arise between employee and the company which
will be undertaken and award by Industrial Relation Court is not effectifee
because in practical mostly the decision will not be obeyed especially by
company. Bankruptcy Act indirectly stated that employee could submit bankruptcy
based on payable wages declared by Industrial Relation Court.
Bankruptcy Act indirectly stated that in the process of bankruptcy must be sure it
is competency of commercial court and there is no other competency of other
court. In this thesis there is conclusion that employee could submit bankruptcy
petition for their company based on payable wages which declared by Industrial
Relation Court, however the employee must undertaking any process in Industrial
Relation Court prior submit the bankruptcy petition which will be very hard to
execute in the practical because execution of award by Industrial Relation Court
will be using confiscation goods of company which will be auctioned to pay the
payable wages. It is expected that in the future there is a provision which stated
very clearly about competency of commercial court and there is a same
understanding between judges of commercial court that every process of
bankruptcy in commercial court shall not interfering competence of the other
court except stated by act.;This thesis is describing about legal standing of employee to submit bankruptcy
petition for the company based on payable wages declared by Industrial Relation
Court. The main issues of this thesis are legal standing of employee to submit
bankruptcy petition based on decision of industrial relation court in the
implementation reviewed from Industrial Relation Act and Bankruptcy Act. This
thesis used Juridical norms approach as research method and also qualitative
data analysis as the analysis method.
Employees are part of company as well as one of the stakeholders in a company.
However, if there is any disputes arise between employee and the company which
will be undertaken and award by Industrial Relation Court is not effectifee
because in practical mostly the decision will not be obeyed especially by
company. Bankruptcy Act indirectly stated that employee could submit bankruptcy
based on payable wages declared by Industrial Relation Court.
Bankruptcy Act indirectly stated that in the process of bankruptcy must be sure it
is competency of commercial court and there is no other competency of other
court. In this thesis there is conclusion that employee could submit bankruptcy
petition for their company based on payable wages which declared by Industrial
Relation Court, however the employee must undertaking any process in Industrial
Relation Court prior submit the bankruptcy petition which will be very hard to
execute in the practical because execution of award by Industrial Relation Court
will be using confiscation goods of company which will be auctioned to pay the
payable wages. It is expected that in the future there is a provision which stated
very clearly about competency of commercial court and there is a same
understanding between judges of commercial court that every process of
bankruptcy in commercial court shall not interfering competence of the other
court except stated by act., This thesis is describing about legal standing of employee to submit bankruptcy
petition for the company based on payable wages declared by Industrial Relation
Court. The main issues of this thesis are legal standing of employee to submit
bankruptcy petition based on decision of industrial relation court in the
implementation reviewed from Industrial Relation Act and Bankruptcy Act. This
thesis used Juridical norms approach as research method and also qualitative
data analysis as the analysis method.
Employees are part of company as well as one of the stakeholders in a company.
However, if there is any disputes arise between employee and the company which
will be undertaken and award by Industrial Relation Court is not effectifee
because in practical mostly the decision will not be obeyed especially by
company. Bankruptcy Act indirectly stated that employee could submit bankruptcy
based on payable wages declared by Industrial Relation Court.
Bankruptcy Act indirectly stated that in the process of bankruptcy must be sure it
is competency of commercial court and there is no other competency of other
court. In this thesis there is conclusion that employee could submit bankruptcy
petition for their company based on payable wages which declared by Industrial
Relation Court, however the employee must undertaking any process in Industrial
Relation Court prior submit the bankruptcy petition which will be very hard to
execute in the practical because execution of award by Industrial Relation Court
will be using confiscation goods of company which will be auctioned to pay the
payable wages. It is expected that in the future there is a provision which stated
very clearly about competency of commercial court and there is a same
understanding between judges of commercial court that every process of
bankruptcy in commercial court shall not interfering competence of the other
court except stated by act.]