ABSTRAKKota Ternate sebagai Kota Kepulauan di Provinsi Maluku utara yang rentan terhadap konflik sosial dikarenakan pernah mengalami konflik horizontal pada tahun 1999-2000. Tingginya intensitas konflik / pertikaian antar warga / pemuda yang terjadi di Kelurahan Mangga Dua dan Toboko pada tahun 2012-2013 menjadikan situasi dan kondisi keamanan, ketertiban, dan ketentraman masyarakat yang tidak kondusif dan berdampak terhadap lambannya proses kebijakan pemerintah dalam pembangunan daerah yang mengakibatkan lemahnya ketahanan daerah. Pemerintah membentuk FKDM berdasarkan Permendagrii nomor 12 tahun 2006 tentang Forum Kewaspadaan Dini Masyarakat dengan tujuan untuk membantu instrumen negara dalam menyelenggarakan urusan keamanan, ketenteraman dan ketertiban masyarakat, melalui upaya pencegahan dan deteksi dini terhadap potensi dan kecenderungan ancaman serta gejala atau peristiwa bencana. Undang-undang nomor 7 tahun 2012 tentang Penanganan Konflik sosial dijelaskan bahwa Penanganan Konflik adalah serangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan secara sistematis dan terencana dalam situasi dan peristiwa baik sebelum, pada saat, maupun sesudah terjadi Konflik yang mencakup pencegahan konflik, penghentian konflik, dan pemulihan pascakonflik. Sedangkan Pencegahan Konflik adalah serangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya Konflik dengan peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan dan sistem peringatan dini. Peneliti melakukan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan mengumpulkan data, informasi serta mewawancarai delapan orang informen terdiri dari Keanggotaan FKDM Kota Ternate antara lain Agung Prasojo Anggota Pembinan, Halil Hi Ibrahim wakil perguruan tinggi selaku Ketua FKDM Kota Ternate, Pdt. Abram Uggu anggota FKDM dari tokoh agama, Johan wahyudi anggota FKDM unsur Kepolisian, Aswan Lampa anggota FKDM dari tokoh pemuda, Iksan Ahmad Camat Ternate Selatan, Mochtar Lurah Mangga Dua dan Mahmud Hi. Ibrahim Lurah Toboko.
Penyelesaian konflik akan terwujud melalui lembaga-lembaga tertentu yang mewujudkan tumbuhnya pola diskusi dan pengambilan keputusa-keputusan diantara pihak-pihak yang berlawanan mengenai persoalan-persoalan yang mereka pertentangkan, maka Peran FKDM bukanlah bentuk pranata sosial yang dapat menjalankan tingkatan intervensi transformasi konflik seperti Peace making (menciptakan perdamaian), Peace keeping (menjaga perdamaian), Conflict management (pengelolaan konfli) dalam bentuk Negosiasi, Mediasi, Penyelesaian jalur hukum (judicial settlement), arbitrase, dan workshop pemecahan masalah dan Peace building (pembangunan perdamaian) yang merupakan proses peningkatan kesejahteraan, pembangunan infrastruktur, dan rekonsiliasi seluruh pihak bertikai.
Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konflik yang terjadi di mangga dua dan toboko kota ternate disebabkan oleh faktor pendorong struktural. Dimana pengaruh minuman keras, pengangguran, rendanya pendidikan dan mudahnya terpovokasi dengan isu serta solidaritas yang kuat diatara kelompokop membuat pemuda sering terlibat dalam konflik yang disertai dengan tindakan kekerasan.
Pencegahan konflik yang dilakukan oleh FKDM dengan meminimalisir faktor determinan, malakukan untuk hidup damai dan mejauhi kekerasan menunjukkan bahwa konflik di Ternate mengalami penurunan namun masih saja terlihat banyak minuman keras yang masuk disebabkan tidak optimal pengawasan serta tindakan tegas kepada penjual. Penyelesaian konflik yang dilakukan oleh FKDM dengan melakukan konsiliasi, tindakan paksaan oleh aparat dan detente sangat baik dalam menyelesaikan konflik namun dibutuhkan peningkatan koordinasi dari FKDM dan aparat terkait sehingga penyelesaian konflik berjalan maksimal.
ABSTRACTTernate city as the city of island in North Maluku Province is vulnerable to social conflict because there had been horizontal conflict in 1999-2000. The high intensity of conflict/ inter-society/youth brawl in Mangga Dua and Toboko administrative village during 2012-1013 made the atmosphere, security, order and peace of society hardly conducive and affected to the slow government policy process in regional development which result in weak regional resilience. Government formed FKDM based on Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) Number 12 2006 on Early Public Vigilance Forum with the purpose to help government apparatus in serving security, peace and order of society through early prevention and detection of potential threat and disaster. In constitution Number 7 2012 on handling of social conflict explained that conflict handling is a series of systematic and organized activity. Conflict prevention is a series of activities conducted to prevent the conflict by improving the capacity of institution and early warning system. This study was conducted by using qualitative with descriptive approach and data collection, information and also interviewing eight informants from the members of FKDM, Ternate City. They are Agung Prasojo as member of training, Halil Hi Ibrahim the representative from University as the leader of FKDM Ternate City, Pdt. Abram Uggu member of FKDM from religious leader, Johan wahyudi member of FKDM from police, Aswan Lampa member of FKDM from youth leader, Iksan Ahmad district chief (Camat) of South Ternate, Mochtar head of administrative village (Lurah) of Mangga Dua dan Mahmud Hi. Ibrahim head of administrative village (Lurah) Toboko.
The conflict resolution will be met through certain institutions which grow the pattern of discussion and decision making among the opposite sides so the role of FKDM is not as social institution to intervene conflict transformation such as Peacemaking (creating peace), Peace keeping (keeping peace), Conflict management (conflict management) in the form of negotiation, mediation, judicial settlement, arbitration and workshop of conflict resolving and Peace building which are processes to increase welfare, development, infrastructural development, and reconciliation among the actors.
The result of the study showed that the conflict which happened in Mangga Dua and Toboko, Ternate City was caused by structural supporting factors. They are the effect of alcohol, unemployment, low education rate, easily provoked group and the strong community solidarity made the youth often involved in violent conflict.
The conflict prevention which implemented by FKDM through minimizing the determinant factors, living the peaceful life and avoiding violent act showed the conflict in Ternate declining, in reality, there are still number of alcoholic beverages distribution which caused by lack of supervision and decisive action to the seller.
The conflict resolution which implemented by FKDM through conciliation, coercive action by law enforcement officers and ..... in resolving conflict but it is also needed to improve the coordination from FKDM and law enforcement officers so that the conflict resolution can run optimally.
;Ternate city as the city of island in North Maluku Province is vulnerable to social conflict because there had been horizontal conflict in 1999-2000. The high intensity of conflict/ inter-society/youth brawl in Mangga Dua and Toboko administrative village during 2012-1013 made the atmosphere, security, order and peace of society hardly conducive and affected to the slow government policy process in regional development which result in weak regional resilience. Government formed FKDM based on Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) Number 12 2006 on Early Public Vigilance Forum with the purpose to help government apparatus in serving security, peace and order of society through early prevention and detection of potential threat and disaster. In constitution Number 7 2012 on handling of social conflict explained that conflict handling is a series of systematic and organized activity. Conflict prevention is a series of activities conducted to prevent the conflict by improving the capacity of institution and early warning system. This study was conducted by using qualitative with descriptive approach and data collection, information and also interviewing eight informants from the members of FKDM, Ternate City. They are Agung Prasojo as member of training, Halil Hi Ibrahim the representative from University as the leader of FKDM Ternate City, Pdt. Abram Uggu member of FKDM from religious leader, Johan wahyudi member of FKDM from police, Aswan Lampa member of FKDM from youth leader, Iksan Ahmad district chief (Camat) of South Ternate, Mochtar head of administrative village (Lurah) of Mangga Dua dan Mahmud Hi. Ibrahim head of administrative village (Lurah) Toboko.
The conflict resolution will be met through certain institutions which grow the pattern of discussion and decision making among the opposite sides so the role of FKDM is not as social institution to intervene conflict transformation such as Peacemaking (creating peace), Peace keeping (keeping peace), Conflict management (conflict management) in the form of negotiation, mediation, judicial settlement, arbitration and workshop of conflict resolving and Peace building which are processes to increase welfare, development, infrastructural development, and reconciliation among the actors.
The result of the study showed that the conflict which happened in Mangga Dua and Toboko, Ternate City was caused by structural supporting factors. They are the effect of alcohol, unemployment, low education rate, easily provoked group and the strong community solidarity made the youth often involved in violent conflict.
The conflict prevention which implemented by FKDM through minimizing the determinant factors, living the peaceful life and avoiding violent act showed the conflict in Ternate declining, in reality, there are still number of alcoholic beverages distribution which caused by lack of supervision and decisive action to the seller.
The conflict resolution which implemented by FKDM through conciliation, coercive action by law enforcement officers and ..... in resolving conflict but it is also needed to improve the coordination from FKDM and law enforcement officers so that the conflict resolution can run optimally.
, Ternate city as the city of island in North Maluku Province is vulnerable to social conflict because there had been horizontal conflict in 1999-2000. The high intensity of conflict/ inter-society/youth brawl in Mangga Dua and Toboko administrative village during 2012-1013 made the atmosphere, security, order and peace of society hardly conducive and affected to the slow government policy process in regional development which result in weak regional resilience. Government formed FKDM based on Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) Number 12 2006 on Early Public Vigilance Forum with the purpose to help government apparatus in serving security, peace and order of society through early prevention and detection of potential threat and disaster. In constitution Number 7 2012 on handling of social conflict explained that conflict handling is a series of systematic and organized activity. Conflict prevention is a series of activities conducted to prevent the conflict by improving the capacity of institution and early warning system. This study was conducted by using qualitative with descriptive approach and data collection, information and also interviewing eight informants from the members of FKDM, Ternate City. They are Agung Prasojo as member of training, Halil Hi Ibrahim the representative from University as the leader of FKDM Ternate City, Pdt. Abram Uggu member of FKDM from religious leader, Johan wahyudi member of FKDM from police, Aswan Lampa member of FKDM from youth leader, Iksan Ahmad district chief (Camat) of South Ternate, Mochtar head of administrative village (Lurah) of Mangga Dua dan Mahmud Hi. Ibrahim head of administrative village (Lurah) Toboko.
The conflict resolution will be met through certain institutions which grow the pattern of discussion and decision making among the opposite sides so the role of FKDM is not as social institution to intervene conflict transformation such as Peacemaking (creating peace), Peace keeping (keeping peace), Conflict management (conflict management) in the form of negotiation, mediation, judicial settlement, arbitration and workshop of conflict resolving and Peace building which are processes to increase welfare, development, infrastructural development, and reconciliation among the actors.
The result of the study showed that the conflict which happened in Mangga Dua and Toboko, Ternate City was caused by structural supporting factors. They are the effect of alcohol, unemployment, low education rate, easily provoked group and the strong community solidarity made the youth often involved in violent conflict.
The conflict prevention which implemented by FKDM through minimizing the determinant factors, living the peaceful life and avoiding violent act showed the conflict in Ternate declining, in reality, there are still number of alcoholic beverages distribution which caused by lack of supervision and decisive action to the seller.
The conflict resolution which implemented by FKDM through conciliation, coercive action by law enforcement officers and ..... in resolving conflict but it is also needed to improve the coordination from FKDM and law enforcement officers so that the conflict resolution can run optimally.