ABSTRAKTesis ini berupaya mengidentifikasi karakter nasional serta menganalisa peran keluarga miskin dalam menanamkan karakter yang baik kepada anak-anaknya untuk membangun ketahanan nasional. Penelitian ini merupakan studi dengan pendekatan kualitatif pada keluarga miskin di Kelurahan Ujung, Surabaya. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa keluarga miskin menanamkan berbagai karakter yang baik pada anaknya terutama terkait nilai agama dan cinta ilmu, sopan santun, serta sikap melawan godaan dari hal-hal yang mengarah pada pergaulan negatif. Pembentukan karakter dilakukan dengan cara menasihati, memberi tauladan, dan menggunakan hukuman. Dalam studi ini ditemukan bahwa peran keluarga sangat penting bagi pembentukan karakter dengan menjalankan fungsi perlindungan norma, ekonomi dan sosialisasi.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this thesis is to identify the national character and also to analyze the role of poor family in good character building to their children as to build national resilience. This research is conducted by using qualitative method to several poor families in Ujung administrative village, Surabaya. The result of analysis showed that poor families planted good character traits especially religious values, love, courtesy and attitude to resist temptation to their children. The way parents built their children character through giving advice, giving exemplary and giving punishment. This study found that the role of family is vital in building character as norm protection, economic and socialization.
;The purpose of this thesis is to identify the national character and also to analyze the role of poor family in good character building to their children as to build national resilience. This research is conducted by using qualitative method to several poor families in Ujung administrative village, Surabaya. The result of analysis showed that poor families planted good character traits especially religious values, love, courtesy and attitude to resist temptation to their children. The way parents built their children character through giving advice, giving exemplary and giving punishment. This study found that the role of family is vital in building character as norm protection, economic and socialization.
, The purpose of this thesis is to identify the national character and also to analyze the role of poor family in good character building to their children as to build national resilience. This research is conducted by using qualitative method to several poor families in Ujung administrative village, Surabaya. The result of analysis showed that poor families planted good character traits especially religious values, love, courtesy and attitude to resist temptation to their children. The way parents built their children character through giving advice, giving exemplary and giving punishment. This study found that the role of family is vital in building character as norm protection, economic and socialization.