ABSTRAKHak cipta adalah hak istimewa yang diberikan kepada pencipta atau penerima hak
cipta untuk mengumumkan atau memperbanyak ciptaannya, sehingga dalam hal
ini baik pencipta maupun pemegang hak cipta dapat memperbanyak ciptaannya
dan dia juga berhak untuk melarang pihak lain untuk menerbitkan hasil
ciptaannya ataupun memberikan persetujuan pada pihak lain untuk
mengumumkan atau memperbanyak hasil ciptaannya tersebut. Di Indonesia,
pengaturan tentang Hak Kekayaan Intelektual sudah lama dikenal dan dimiliki
sebagai hukum positif sejak zaman Hindia Belanda dengan berlakunya
Aueteurswet 1912. Negara Indonesia pernah memiliki Undang-undang yang
mengatur tentang Hak Kekayaan Intelektual khususnya di bidang hak cipta, akan
tetapi mengalami beberapa pergantian. Beberapa Undang-Undang yang di miliki
oleh Indonesia yaitu Undang-undang No. 6 Tahun 1982 Tentang Hak Cipta
sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undang No.7 Tahun 1987 dan
kemudian diubah dengan Undang-Undang No.12 Tahun 1997 yang selanjutnya
dicabut dan diganti dengan Undang-Undang No.19 Tahun 2002 Tentang Hak
Cipta. Mengenai sifat dari hak cipta dapat kita lihat pasal 3 Undang ? undang hak
cipta yang dianggap sebagai benda bergerak yang dapat beralih atau dialihkan
(transferable) seluruhnya atau sebagian dengan cara- cara tertentu yaitu :
Pewarisan, Hibah, Wasiat, Dijadikan milik Negara, dan Perjanjian yang dilakukan
dengan akta, dengan ketentuan bahwa perjanjian itu hanya mengenai wewenang
yang disebut dalam akta. Lisensi merupakan salah satu contoh dari beralihnya hak
cipta kepada orang lain. Lisensi bisa juga berupa suatu bentuk perjanjian dimana
pemegang Hak Kekayaan Intelektual mengijinkan pihak lain untuk menggunakan
hak eksklusifnya dalam jangka waktu tertentu dengan imbalan pembayaran
royalti. Karena lisensi merupakan suatu bentuk perjanjian, maka bagi perjanjian
Lisensi berlaku Ketentuan Umum dalam Hukum Perjanjian yang diatur dalam
Buku ke III KUHPerdata. Dalam hal ini ada beberapa persamaan mengenai
kendala atau masalah dalam perjanjian lisensi hak cipta yang biasa terjadi dalam
perjanjian lisensi. Salah satunya adalah sengketa yang disebabkan karena mantan
penerima lisensi memproduksi barang atau jasa dengan menggunakan merek lain,
namun kualitasnya sama persis dengan kualitas merek yang pernah
dilisensikannya. Tinjauan yuridis putusan mahkamah agung dalam kasus
pembatalan hak cipta cap kaki tiga menjadi fokus dalam penulisan tesis ini dengan
uraian pembahasan mengenai dasar hukum hak cipta dan jenis jenis ciptaan yang
dilindungi, fungsi hak cipta, konsep lisensi dalam hak cipta, kendala dalam lisensi
hak cipta dan analisis kasus pembatalan hak cipta cap kaki tiga.
ABSTRACTCopyright is a privilege granted to the creator or copyright recipients to publish or
reproduce his creations, in this case, both the authors and copyright holders has
the right to reproduce his creation and also to exclude others from publishing the
results of his creations or giving permission to other parties to publish or
reproduce the creations. In Indonesia, regulation of intellectual property rights has
long been known and owned as a positive law since the day of the Dutch East
Indies with the implementation of Aueteurswet 1912. Indonesia once had
legislation governing intellectual property rights, especially in the field of
copyright, but experienced some changes. Some of the Act, which is owned by
Indonesian Law No. 6 of 1982 on Copyright, as amended by Law No. 7 of 1987
and subsequently amended by Law No. 12 of 1997, which subsequently repealed
and replaced by Law No. 19 of 2002 about Copyright. Regarding the nature of
copyright, we can see article 3 of the Copyright Laws that are regarded as moving
objects and can be transferred (transferable) in whole or in part in certain ways,
which is : Inheritance, Grant, Probate, cite belongs to the State, and the agreement
made by deed, provided that the agreement is only the authority named in the
deed. License is one example of the shift of the copyright to another person.
Licenses can also be a form of agreement which the holders of intellectual
property rights permit others to use the exclusive right within a specified period in
return for royalty payments. Because licensing is a form of agreement, the license
agreement applicable to the General Provisions set out in the Legal Agreements in
Book III of Indonesian Civil Code. In this case there are several similarities
concerning obstacles or problems in copyright licensing agreements that are
common in the license agreement. One of the case is the dispute that caused by
the former licensee to produce goods or services using other brands, but the
quality is exactly the same as the quality of the previous brands that were
licensed. The focus in this thesis is the Judicially review of the Supreme Court?s
Decision in the case of Copyright Cancellation of Cap Kaki Tiga with an
explanation on basic descriptions of copyright law and the types of creatures that
are protected, the function of copyright, licensing concept in copyright, licensing
constraints in copyright and analysis of copyright cancellation of Cap Kaki Tiga;Copyright is a privilege granted to the creator or copyright recipients to publish or
reproduce his creations, in this case, both the authors and copyright holders has
the right to reproduce his creation and also to exclude others from publishing the
results of his creations or giving permission to other parties to publish or
reproduce the creations. In Indonesia, regulation of intellectual property rights has
long been known and owned as a positive law since the day of the Dutch East
Indies with the implementation of Aueteurswet 1912. Indonesia once had
legislation governing intellectual property rights, especially in the field of
copyright, but experienced some changes. Some of the Act, which is owned by
Indonesian Law No. 6 of 1982 on Copyright, as amended by Law No. 7 of 1987
and subsequently amended by Law No. 12 of 1997, which subsequently repealed
and replaced by Law No. 19 of 2002 about Copyright. Regarding the nature of
copyright, we can see article 3 of the Copyright Laws that are regarded as moving
objects and can be transferred (transferable) in whole or in part in certain ways,
which is : Inheritance, Grant, Probate, cite belongs to the State, and the agreement
made by deed, provided that the agreement is only the authority named in the
deed. License is one example of the shift of the copyright to another person.
Licenses can also be a form of agreement which the holders of intellectual
property rights permit others to use the exclusive right within a specified period in
return for royalty payments. Because licensing is a form of agreement, the license
agreement applicable to the General Provisions set out in the Legal Agreements in
Book III of Indonesian Civil Code. In this case there are several similarities
concerning obstacles or problems in copyright licensing agreements that are
common in the license agreement. One of the case is the dispute that caused by
the former licensee to produce goods or services using other brands, but the
quality is exactly the same as the quality of the previous brands that were
licensed. The focus in this thesis is the Judicially review of the Supreme Court’s
Decision in the case of Copyright Cancellation of Cap Kaki Tiga with an
explanation on basic descriptions of copyright law and the types of creatures that
are protected, the function of copyright, licensing concept in copyright, licensing
constraints in copyright and analysis of copyright cancellation of Cap Kaki Tiga, Copyright is a privilege granted to the creator or copyright recipients to publish or
reproduce his creations, in this case, both the authors and copyright holders has
the right to reproduce his creation and also to exclude others from publishing the
results of his creations or giving permission to other parties to publish or
reproduce the creations. In Indonesia, regulation of intellectual property rights has
long been known and owned as a positive law since the day of the Dutch East
Indies with the implementation of Aueteurswet 1912. Indonesia once had
legislation governing intellectual property rights, especially in the field of
copyright, but experienced some changes. Some of the Act, which is owned by
Indonesian Law No. 6 of 1982 on Copyright, as amended by Law No. 7 of 1987
and subsequently amended by Law No. 12 of 1997, which subsequently repealed
and replaced by Law No. 19 of 2002 about Copyright. Regarding the nature of
copyright, we can see article 3 of the Copyright Laws that are regarded as moving
objects and can be transferred (transferable) in whole or in part in certain ways,
which is : Inheritance, Grant, Probate, cite belongs to the State, and the agreement
made by deed, provided that the agreement is only the authority named in the
deed. License is one example of the shift of the copyright to another person.
Licenses can also be a form of agreement which the holders of intellectual
property rights permit others to use the exclusive right within a specified period in
return for royalty payments. Because licensing is a form of agreement, the license
agreement applicable to the General Provisions set out in the Legal Agreements in
Book III of Indonesian Civil Code. In this case there are several similarities
concerning obstacles or problems in copyright licensing agreements that are
common in the license agreement. One of the case is the dispute that caused by
the former licensee to produce goods or services using other brands, but the
quality is exactly the same as the quality of the previous brands that were
licensed. The focus in this thesis is the Judicially review of the Supreme Court’s
Decision in the case of Copyright Cancellation of Cap Kaki Tiga with an
explanation on basic descriptions of copyright law and the types of creatures that
are protected, the function of copyright, licensing concept in copyright, licensing
constraints in copyright and analysis of copyright cancellation of Cap Kaki Tiga]