ABSTRAKKualitas dan jumlah partisipan pada kompetisi perilaku inovasi pada PT. A
belum optimal. Berdasarkan penelitian awal, atasan memiliki peran yang
penting dalam keikutsertaan karyawan pada kompetisi inovasi. Penelitian
dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh peningkatan leader member exchange
terhadap perilaku inovatif karyawan. Penelitian dilakukan pada 77 karyawan
PT A, dengan kuesioner leader member exchange-multidimensional (Liden &
Maslyn, 1998) dan innovative work behavior (Janssen, 2000). Hasil regresi
menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh signifikan dari leader member exchange
terhadap perilaku inovatif. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dilakukan intervensi
sosialisasi coaching kepada atasan dan pemberian coaching oleh atasan kepada
bawahan untuk meningkatkan leader member exchange dan perilaku inovatif.
Efektivitas intervensi diukur pada 15 karyawan di wilayah Jakarta Pusat yang
atasannya diberikan intervensi. Hasil menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antara
skor leader member exchange dan skor perilaku inovatif bawahan sebelum dan
sesudah intervensi. Dengan demikian, atasan perlu melakukan coaching
terhadap bawahan secara berkala, dan departemen HRD perlu melakukan
monitoring pelaksanaannya.
ABSTRACTThe quality and number of participants in the innovative behavior competition
in PT A were still not optimal. Based on preliminary study, the superior has an
important role in employee participation on the competition. This study was
conducted to see the effect of leader member exchange on employee innovative
behavior. This research was conducted on 77 staff employees of PT A using
Multidimensional Leader-Member Exchange questionnaire from Liden and
Maslyn (1998) and Innovative Work Behavior questionnaire from Janssen
(2000). The results of regression statistical tests indicate that there is significant
effect of leader member exchange on innovative behavior. Based on the results,
socialization and coaching by superiors to subordinate were performed to
enhance leader member exchange and innovative behavior. The effectiveness
of the intervention was measured on 15 employees of PT A in Central Jakarta
which the superior were given the intervention. The results showed that there
are significant differences between leader member exchange scores and scores
of innovative behaviors before and after the intervention. Thus, the superior
should give coaching to subordinate on a regular basis, and the HR
Departement needs to monitor its implementation.;The quality and number of participants in the innovative behavior competition
in PT A were still not optimal. Based on preliminary study, the superior has an
important role in employee participation on the competition. This study was
conducted to see the effect of leader member exchange on employee innovative
behavior. This research was conducted on 77 staff employees of PT A using
Multidimensional Leader-Member Exchange questionnaire from Liden and
Maslyn (1998) and Innovative Work Behavior questionnaire from Janssen
(2000). The results of regression statistical tests indicate that there is significant
effect of leader member exchange on innovative behavior. Based on the results,
socialization and coaching by superiors to subordinate were performed to
enhance leader member exchange and innovative behavior. The effectiveness
of the intervention was measured on 15 employees of PT A in Central Jakarta
which the superior were given the intervention. The results showed that there
are significant differences between leader member exchange scores and scores
of innovative behaviors before and after the intervention. Thus, the superior
should give coaching to subordinate on a regular basis, and the HR
Departement needs to monitor its implementation., The quality and number of participants in the innovative behavior competition
in PT A were still not optimal. Based on preliminary study, the superior has an
important role in employee participation on the competition. This study was
conducted to see the effect of leader member exchange on employee innovative
behavior. This research was conducted on 77 staff employees of PT A using
Multidimensional Leader-Member Exchange questionnaire from Liden and
Maslyn (1998) and Innovative Work Behavior questionnaire from Janssen
(2000). The results of regression statistical tests indicate that there is significant
effect of leader member exchange on innovative behavior. Based on the results,
socialization and coaching by superiors to subordinate were performed to
enhance leader member exchange and innovative behavior. The effectiveness
of the intervention was measured on 15 employees of PT A in Central Jakarta
which the superior were given the intervention. The results showed that there
are significant differences between leader member exchange scores and scores
of innovative behaviors before and after the intervention. Thus, the superior
should give coaching to subordinate on a regular basis, and the HR
Departement needs to monitor its implementation.]