ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengenai perubahan pelaksanaan dalam tradisi bercocok tanam padi di ladang masyarakat Tolaki
secara tradisional yakni, monda?u. Tradisi lisan monda?u sebagai salah satu bentuk tradisi
lisan dan sastra lisan yang belum memiliki dokumentasi secara tertulis. Masalah yang dibahas
dalam penelitian ini adalah ?Bagaimana tradisi ritual monda?u masih menjalankan
fungsinya, ketika mantra tidak lagi dilibatkan dalam masyarakat Tolaki?. Penelitian ini
bertujuan mengungkapkan perubahan fungsi dan makna yang terkandung dalam mantra
monda?u pada proses pelaksanaan bercocok tanam padi ladang masyarakat Tolaki secara
umum. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah memberi sumbangsi kepada generasi muda saat ini
agar mereka lebih banyak mengetahui tentang betapa pentingnya mempertahankan suatu
budaya dan tradisi yang sudah sejak dulu di lakukan oleh nenek moyang kita. Serta memberi
sumbangsi pemikiran kepada pemerintah daerah khususnya di lingkup Departemen
pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Dalam rangka pengembangan sastra lisan khususnya tentang
tradisi lisan yang berada di Konawe yang mulai punah, penulis menggunakan metode
etnografi, agar penulis dapat mengungkapkan tradisi lisan yang berada di masyarakat lokal
Konawe yang berhubungan dengan perubahan fungsi mantra tradisi monda?u, perubahan
pelaksanaan ritual, dan perubahan pewarisan mantra monda?u dengan menggunakan katakata
atau tulis. Kemudian dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan beberapa konsep dan
teori sebagai pendukung dalam tulisan ini, adapun konsep dan teorinya adalah: ritual, tradisi
lisan, perubahan, pewarisan, dan formula.
ABSTRACTThis study regarding the implementation of
changes in the tradition of rice farming communities in fields traditionally Tolaki ie,
monda'u. Monda'u oral tradition as a form of oral traditions and oral literature that do not
have written documentation. The problem addressed in this study is "How monda'u ritual
tradition is still carrying out its functions, when the spell is no longer involved in the
community Tolaki??. This study aims to reveal the changes in the function and meaning
contained in monda'u spell on the implementation process of farming rice fields Tolaki
society in general. The benefit of this study is to provide contributions to today's young
generation so that they are more knowledgeable about the importance of maintaining a
culture and tradition that has always been done by our ancestors. And giving thought to the
local government contributions especially in the scope of the Ministry of education and
culture. In order to develop oral literature, especially of the oral tradition that was in Konawe
which became extinct, the author uses ethnographic methods, so that the author can express
oral tradition that was in the local community Konawe associated with changes in the
function of tradition monda'u spells, rituals change, and changes in inheritance monda'u
spells using words or writing. Later in this study the author uses some of the concepts and
theories as a supporter in this paper, while the concepts and theories are: rituals, oral
traditions, changes, inheritance, and formulas.;The study is titled "MANTRA FUNCTION CHANGES IN MONDA'U TOLAKI
KONAWE SOUTHEAST SULAWESI". This study regarding the implementation of
changes in the tradition of rice farming communities in fields traditionally Tolaki ie,
monda'u. Monda'u oral tradition as a form of oral traditions and oral literature that do not
have written documentation. The problem addressed in this study is "How monda'u ritual
tradition is still carrying out its functions, when the spell is no longer involved in the
community Tolaki?”. This study aims to reveal the changes in the function and meaning
contained in monda'u spell on the implementation process of farming rice fields Tolaki
society in general. The benefit of this study is to provide contributions to today's young
generation so that they are more knowledgeable about the importance of maintaining a
culture and tradition that has always been done by our ancestors. And giving thought to the
local government contributions especially in the scope of the Ministry of education and
culture. In order to develop oral literature, especially of the oral tradition that was in Konawe
which became extinct, the author uses ethnographic methods, so that the author can express
oral tradition that was in the local community Konawe associated with changes in the
function of tradition monda'u spells, rituals change, and changes in inheritance monda'u
spells using words or writing. Later in this study the author uses some of the concepts and
theories as a supporter in this paper, while the concepts and theories are: rituals, oral
traditions, changes, inheritance, and formulas., The study is titled "MANTRA FUNCTION CHANGES IN MONDA'U TOLAKI
KONAWE SOUTHEAST SULAWESI". This study regarding the implementation of
changes in the tradition of rice farming communities in fields traditionally Tolaki ie,
monda'u. Monda'u oral tradition as a form of oral traditions and oral literature that do not
have written documentation. The problem addressed in this study is "How monda'u ritual
tradition is still carrying out its functions, when the spell is no longer involved in the
community Tolaki?”. This study aims to reveal the changes in the function and meaning
contained in monda'u spell on the implementation process of farming rice fields Tolaki
society in general. The benefit of this study is to provide contributions to today's young
generation so that they are more knowledgeable about the importance of maintaining a
culture and tradition that has always been done by our ancestors. And giving thought to the
local government contributions especially in the scope of the Ministry of education and
culture. In order to develop oral literature, especially of the oral tradition that was in Konawe
which became extinct, the author uses ethnographic methods, so that the author can express
oral tradition that was in the local community Konawe associated with changes in the
function of tradition monda'u spells, rituals change, and changes in inheritance monda'u
spells using words or writing. Later in this study the author uses some of the concepts and
theories as a supporter in this paper, while the concepts and theories are: rituals, oral
traditions, changes, inheritance, and formulas.]