ABSTRAKStudi ini menganalisis dampak pariwisata terhadap pengentasan
kemiskinan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fixed-effect dengan
menggunakan data panel dari 33 propinsi di Indonesia selama periode 2007-2012.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pariwisata, yang diukur dengan
menggunakan variabel kedatangan wisatawan asing dan domestik, secara
signifikan mengurangi kemiskinan di Indonesia, sementara indikator lain seperti
infrastruktur, akses rumah tangga terhadap perangkat modern dan PDRB per
kapita secara signifikan juga mengurangi kemiskinan. Temuan ini menunjukkan
bahwa pemerintah harus mendorong proses pengembangan pariwisata dalam
mempertimbangkan inisiatif dalam pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia.
ABSTRACTThis study estimates the causal impact of tourism and other macroeconomics
indicators on poverty alleviation in Indonesia. This study employs fixed-effect
method with panel data from 33 Indonesian provinces from 2007 to 2012. The
result of this study shows that tourism, as measured by foreign and domestic
tourist arrivals, significantly alleviate poverty in Indonesia, while infrastructure,
access of household to modern devices and regional GDP per capita significantly
reduce poverty. These findings suggest that government should encourage tourism
development process in considering pro-poor initiatives;This study estimates the causal impact of tourism and other macroeconomics
indicators on poverty alleviation in Indonesia. This study employs fixed-effect
method with panel data from 33 Indonesian provinces from 2007 to 2012. The
result of this study shows that tourism, as measured by foreign and domestic
tourist arrivals, significantly alleviate poverty in Indonesia, while infrastructure,
access of household to modern devices and regional GDP per capita significantly
reduce poverty. These findings suggest that government should encourage tourism
development process in considering pro-poor initiatives, This study estimates the causal impact of tourism and other macroeconomics
indicators on poverty alleviation in Indonesia. This study employs fixed-effect
method with panel data from 33 Indonesian provinces from 2007 to 2012. The
result of this study shows that tourism, as measured by foreign and domestic
tourist arrivals, significantly alleviate poverty in Indonesia, while infrastructure,
access of household to modern devices and regional GDP per capita significantly
reduce poverty. These findings suggest that government should encourage tourism
development process in considering pro-poor initiatives]