ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tiga cerpen karya Muammar Qaddafi yang berjudul ?Intihâr
Râid al-Fadhâ`? (Bunuh Diri Astronot), ?al-Firâr ilâ Jahannam? (Lari ke
Jahanam), dan ?al-Maut? (Maut). Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk melihat
bagaimana ketiga cerpen tersebut berfungsi sebagai alat ideologis dalam
kehidupan politik pengarang. Tiga cerpen tersebut dianalisis melalui konsep
oposisi biner Ferdinan de Saussure dan konsep ideologi Louis Althusser. Dapat
disimpulkan bahwa tiga cerpen tersebut mengandung unsur oposisi-oposisi biner
pada tokoh dan latar yang digunakan pengarang demi melegitimasi sosialisme dan
beduinisme untuk melawan kapitalisme dan urbanisme. Selain juga untuk
menempatkan maskulinitas dan femininitas pada posisi yang proporsional.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses Muammar Qaddafi?s three short stories; ?Intihâr Raid al-
Fadhâ`? (The Suicide of the Astronaut), ?al-Firâr `ilâ Jahannam? (Escape to Hell),
and ?al-Maut? (Death). This research focuses on how three short stories serves as
an ideological tool in the political life of the author. Three stories were analyzed
through Ferdinand de Saussure?s concept of binary opposition and ideology of
Louis Althusser. It can be concluded that the three stories contain elements of
binary oppositions in characters and settings that used to legitimaze socialism and
beduinism against capitalism and urbanism. In addition, also puts masculinity and
femininity in proportional position.;This thesis discusses Muammar Qaddafi’s three short stories; “Intihâr Raid al-
Fadhâ`” (The Suicide of the Astronaut), “al-Firâr `ilâ Jahannam” (Escape to Hell),
and “al-Maut” (Death). This research focuses on how three short stories serves as
an ideological tool in the political life of the author. Three stories were analyzed
through Ferdinand de Saussure’s concept of binary opposition and ideology of
Louis Althusser. It can be concluded that the three stories contain elements of
binary oppositions in characters and settings that used to legitimaze socialism and
beduinism against capitalism and urbanism. In addition, also puts masculinity and
femininity in proportional position., This thesis discusses Muammar Qaddafi’s three short stories; “Intihâr Raid al-
Fadhâ`” (The Suicide of the Astronaut), “al-Firâr `ilâ Jahannam” (Escape to Hell),
and “al-Maut” (Death). This research focuses on how three short stories serves as
an ideological tool in the political life of the author. Three stories were analyzed
through Ferdinand de Saussure’s concept of binary opposition and ideology of
Louis Althusser. It can be concluded that the three stories contain elements of
binary oppositions in characters and settings that used to legitimaze socialism and
beduinism against capitalism and urbanism. In addition, also puts masculinity and
femininity in proportional position.]