ABSTRAKPenyakit stroke merupakan penyebab kecacatan nomor satu dan penyebab
kematian nomor tiga didunia. Pada saat ini stroke mulai menyerang kelompok
usia dewasa muda. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan
faktor-faktor risiko stroke (hipertensi, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia, dan
merokok) terhadap kejadian stroke di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2013.
Data penelitian menggunakan data sekunder rekam medis pasien stroke yang
menjalani rawat inap di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2013, dengan
jumlah responden sebanyak 211 pasien. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji chisquare
dan analisis regresi logistik. Jenis stroke terbanyak yaitu stroke iskemik
sebesar 64,9%. Perbedaan proporsi faktor risiko yang bermakna (p value < 0,05)
terhadap kejadian stroke iskemik didapatkan pada variabel hipertensi (p value =
0,000). Hasil analisis multivariat, didapatkan hipertensi sebagai faktor risiko
utama, responden dengan hipertensi stage 1 memiliki risiko 2,64 kali lebih besar
untuk mengalami stroke iskemik dibandingkan dengan responden yang tidak
hipertensi (OR = 2,64; CI 95% = 1.073 ? 6,498). Tidak ada interaksi antara
variabel independen dan umur didapatkan sebagai variabel konfounding.
ABSTRACTStroke disease is the leading cause of disability and the third cause of death in the
world. Nowadays, stroke has started attacking young adults. The aim of this study
is to analysis the relation of the risk factors of stroke (hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, dislipidemia, and smoking) to stroke in RSUPN Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo 2013. The research data use medical record of 211 hospitalized
patients of stroke. The data analyzed by chi-square and logistic regression. The
most incidence of stroke is ischemic stroke (64,9%). The proportional difference
of risk factors to stroke which significant is hypertension variable. The result of
multivariate analysis that the main risk factor of stroke is hypertension (p value =
0,000). Respondents with hypertension stage 1 has 2,64 times risk to get ischemic
stroke. There is no interaction betwen independen variables and it has been found
that age is a counfounding variable.;Stroke disease is the leading cause of disability and the third cause of death in the
world. Nowadays, stroke has started attacking young adults. The aim of this study
is to analysis the relation of the risk factors of stroke (hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, dislipidemia, and smoking) to stroke in RSUPN Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo 2013. The research data use medical record of 211 hospitalized
patients of stroke. The data analyzed by chi-square and logistic regression. The
most incidence of stroke is ischemic stroke (64,9%). The proportional difference
of risk factors to stroke which significant is hypertension variable. The result of
multivariate analysis that the main risk factor of stroke is hypertension (p value =
0,000). Respondents with hypertension stage 1 has 2,64 times risk to get ischemic
stroke. There is no interaction betwen independen variables and it has been found
that age is a counfounding variable., Stroke disease is the leading cause of disability and the third cause of death in the
world. Nowadays, stroke has started attacking young adults. The aim of this study
is to analysis the relation of the risk factors of stroke (hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, dislipidemia, and smoking) to stroke in RSUPN Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo 2013. The research data use medical record of 211 hospitalized
patients of stroke. The data analyzed by chi-square and logistic regression. The
most incidence of stroke is ischemic stroke (64,9%). The proportional difference
of risk factors to stroke which significant is hypertension variable. The result of
multivariate analysis that the main risk factor of stroke is hypertension (p value =
0,000). Respondents with hypertension stage 1 has 2,64 times risk to get ischemic
stroke. There is no interaction betwen independen variables and it has been found
that age is a counfounding variable.]