ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berfokus untuk mengetahui pengaruh sumber kritik dan jenis stereotipe
dalam isi kritik terhadap sensitivitas isi kritik dan niat untuk bertindak target kritik. Target
kritik adalah warga negara Indonesia. Isi kritik adalah gagalnya warga negara Indonesia
untuk peduli lingkungan. Sumber kritik ingroup adalah sesama warga negara Indonesia,
sedangkan sumber kritik outgroup adalah warga negara Malaysia. Jenis stereotipe isi kritik
adalah stereotipe negatif dan positif dari target kritik. Sensitivitas isi kritik adalah respons
emosi target kritik terhadap isi kritik. Niat untuk bertindak adalah niat target kritik untuk
bertindak sesuai dengan isi kritik. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner sensitivitas
yang diadaptasi dari Hornsey, Oppes, Imani (2002) (α=0,957) dan kuesioner niat bertindak
yang diadaptasi dari Rabinovich dan Morton (2010) (α=0,867).
Penelitian ini juga bertujuan
untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sensitivitas isi kritik dan niat untuk bertindak.
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan MANOVA pada pengaruh dari sumber kritik dan stereotipe
terhadap sensitivitas isi kritik dan niat untuk bertindak (Wilks? Lambda) dengan F=(6, 398) =
4,764, p=0,00 Wilk's Λ = 0,870, partial η2 = 0,67. Hal ini menunjukkan efek perbedaan yang
signifikan pada masing-masing kelompok yang menerima kritik dari sumber kritik (ingroup
vs outgroup) dengan stereotipe (negatif vs positif) terhadap sensitivitas isi kritik dan niat
untuk bertindak target kritik.
ABSTRACTThis study focused to determine the effect of criticism source and stereotypes on
sensitivity and the intention to behave of the criticism target. The target of criticism was a
citizen of Indonesia. The critic was Indonesian failure to care for the environment. Sources of
ingroup critic were Indonesian, while sources of outgroup critic were Malaysians.
Stereotypes in the critic were is negative and positive stereotypes of the target of critic .
Sensitivity is the emotional response of target critic when they receiving criticism. Intention
to behave is the intention to behave of target of critic in after receiving criticism. Sensitivity
was measured with questionaire and adapted from Hornsey, Oppes, Imani (2002) (α=0,957)
and questionaire to measure intention to behave was adapted from Rabinovich dan Morton
(2010) (α=0,867). This study also intended to determine the relationship between sensitivity
and the intention to behave. The result analysis on MANOVA of groups on sensitivity and
the intention to behave ( Wilks ' Lambda ) with F = ( 6 , 398 ) = 4.764 , p = 0.00 Wilk 's Λ =
.870 , partial η2 = 0 , 67 . This showed significant effect on differences in each group who
received criticism from source of critic ( ingroup vs. outgroup ) and stereotypes in the critic (
positive vs. negative ) to sensitivity and intention to behave.;This study focused to determine the effect of criticism source and stereotypes on
sensitivity and the intention to behave of the criticism target. The target of criticism was a
citizen of Indonesia. The critic was Indonesian failure to care for the environment. Sources of
ingroup critic were Indonesian, while sources of outgroup critic were Malaysians.
Stereotypes in the critic were is negative and positive stereotypes of the target of critic .
Sensitivity is the emotional response of target critic when they receiving criticism. Intention
to behave is the intention to behave of target of critic in after receiving criticism. Sensitivity
was measured with questionaire and adapted from Hornsey, Oppes, Imani (2002) (α=0,957)
and questionaire to measure intention to behave was adapted from Rabinovich dan Morton
(2010) (α=0,867). This study also intended to determine the relationship between sensitivity
and the intention to behave. The result analysis on MANOVA of groups on sensitivity and
the intention to behave ( Wilks ' Lambda ) with F = ( 6 , 398 ) = 4.764 , p = 0.00 Wilk 's Λ =
.870 , partial η2 = 0 , 67 . This showed significant effect on differences in each group who
received criticism from source of critic ( ingroup vs. outgroup ) and stereotypes in the critic (
positive vs. negative ) to sensitivity and intention to behave., This study focused to determine the effect of criticism source and stereotypes on
sensitivity and the intention to behave of the criticism target. The target of criticism was a
citizen of Indonesia. The critic was Indonesian failure to care for the environment. Sources of
ingroup critic were Indonesian, while sources of outgroup critic were Malaysians.
Stereotypes in the critic were is negative and positive stereotypes of the target of critic .
Sensitivity is the emotional response of target critic when they receiving criticism. Intention
to behave is the intention to behave of target of critic in after receiving criticism. Sensitivity
was measured with questionaire and adapted from Hornsey, Oppes, Imani (2002) (α=0,957)
and questionaire to measure intention to behave was adapted from Rabinovich dan Morton
(2010) (α=0,867). This study also intended to determine the relationship between sensitivity
and the intention to behave. The result analysis on MANOVA of groups on sensitivity and
the intention to behave ( Wilks ' Lambda ) with F = ( 6 , 398 ) = 4.764 , p = 0.00 Wilk 's Λ =
.870 , partial η2 = 0 , 67 . This showed significant effect on differences in each group who
received criticism from source of critic ( ingroup vs. outgroup ) and stereotypes in the critic (
positive vs. negative ) to sensitivity and intention to behave.]