ABSTRAKPusat Pembiayaan dan Jaminan Kesehatan (PPJK) merupakan unsur pendukung
pelaksanaan tugas Kementerian Kesehatan di bidang pembiayaan dan jaminan
kesehatan. Untuk dapat menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya secara optimal, suatu
organisasi perlu didukung dengan struktur organisasi yang mencerminkan sasaran
dan strategi organisasi. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan
melakukan penelusuran literatur dan wawancara ahli untuk mencari dan
memberikan pandangan mengenai peran, tugas, dan fungsi PPJK agar dapat
mendukung pembangunan kesehatan secara nasional melalui upaya pembiayaan
kesehatan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai masukan bagi
penataan struktur organisasi PPJK yang sesuai dengan perubahan lingkungan
strategis, baik internal maupun eksternal.
ABSTRACTCenter For Health Financing And Social Health Insurance (PPJK) is a supporting
element for the implementation of the duties of the Ministry of Health in health
financing and insurance sectors. To be able to perform its duties and functions
optimally, an organization needs to be supported with an organization structure
that reflects its goals and strategies. This is a qualitative research with sourcing of
literature and interviewing the experts to search and obtain their views in the
roles, duties, and functions of PPJK which is supporting the development of
national health programs through the health financing. At the end, this research is
expected to provide input for the organizational structure of PPJK that align with
the environtmental strategic changing, in both internally and externally;Center For Health Financing And Social Health Insurance (PPJK) is a supporting
element for the implementation of the duties of the Ministry of Health in health
financing and insurance sectors. To be able to perform its duties and functions
optimally, an organization needs to be supported with an organization structure
that reflects its goals and strategies. This is a qualitative research with sourcing of
literature and interviewing the experts to search and obtain their views in the
roles, duties, and functions of PPJK which is supporting the development of
national health programs through the health financing. At the end, this research is
expected to provide input for the organizational structure of PPJK that align with
the environtmental strategic changing, in both internally and externally, Center For Health Financing And Social Health Insurance (PPJK) is a supporting
element for the implementation of the duties of the Ministry of Health in health
financing and insurance sectors. To be able to perform its duties and functions
optimally, an organization needs to be supported with an organization structure
that reflects its goals and strategies. This is a qualitative research with sourcing of
literature and interviewing the experts to search and obtain their views in the
roles, duties, and functions of PPJK which is supporting the development of
national health programs through the health financing. At the end, this research is
expected to provide input for the organizational structure of PPJK that align with
the environtmental strategic changing, in both internally and externally]