ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan penyebab utama masalah
rendahnya kepuasan terhadap atasan pada karyawan Kantor Pusat PT. ABC dan
mendesain sebuah rancangan intervensi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan jumlah
responden 79 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab yang
secara signifikan paling mempengaruhi kepuasan karyawan Kantor Pusat PT.
ABC terhadap atasannya adalah kualitas hubungan atasan-bawahan, yang secara
spesifik berasal dari faktor kontribusi atasan dalam mendukung kinerja bawahan.
Oleh sebab itu, maka intervensi yang dilaksanakan untuk mengatasi
permasalahan akan difokuskan pada bagaimana meningkatkan kontribusi atasan
terhadap pencapaian kinerja bawahan, yaitu melalui reaktivasi program coaching
yang akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan komunikasi suportif.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to determine the cause of employee?s supervision
satisfaction problem in PT. ABC Head Office and design an intervention program
to overcome the problem. This study used quantitative and qualitative approach
with 79 employees as its respondents. Results show that supervisor-subordinate
relationship quality had most significant influence to supervision satisfaction,
specificaly from the supervisor?s contribution to support the subordinate
performance and goal. Therefore, the intervention is focused on how to improve
the contribution of supervisor in supporting their subordinate performance by
reactivate the coaching program with a supportive communication approach.;The purpose of this study is to determine the cause of employee’s supervision
satisfaction problem in PT. ABC Head Office and design an intervention program
to overcome the problem. This study used quantitative and qualitative approach
with 79 employees as its respondents. Results show that supervisor-subordinate
relationship quality had most significant influence to supervision satisfaction,
specificaly from the supervisor’s contribution to support the subordinate
performance and goal. Therefore, the intervention is focused on how to improve
the contribution of supervisor in supporting their subordinate performance by
reactivate the coaching program with a supportive communication approach., The purpose of this study is to determine the cause of employee’s supervision
satisfaction problem in PT. ABC Head Office and design an intervention program
to overcome the problem. This study used quantitative and qualitative approach
with 79 employees as its respondents. Results show that supervisor-subordinate
relationship quality had most significant influence to supervision satisfaction,
specificaly from the supervisor’s contribution to support the subordinate
performance and goal. Therefore, the intervention is focused on how to improve
the contribution of supervisor in supporting their subordinate performance by
reactivate the coaching program with a supportive communication approach.]