ABSTRAKTesis ini menganalisis dampak PER-24/PJ/2010 terhadap kepastian hukum dan
apakah persyaratan administrasi PER-24/PJ/2010 ini telah memenuhi rasa
keadilan dan didasari ?good faith? sesuai pasal 31 ayat 1 Vienna Convention on
the Law of Tax Treaties (VCLT) dan OECD Model. Hasilnya PER-24/PJ/2010
memberikan panduan administratif pemanfaatan Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak
Berganda di Indonesia, namun persyaratan administratif yang diatur di dalamnya
dapat menghalangi pemanfaatan tax treaty oleh Wajib Pajak Luar Negeri di
Indonesia sehingga ?good faith? dalam pasal 31 VCLT tidak dapat terpenuhi.
Proses pengadaan Surat Keterangan Domisili (SKD) memakan waktu karena
berhubungan dengan otoritas pajak negara lain. PER-24/PJ/2010 hendaknya
direvisi dengan menambahkan sanksi administrasi bagi yang tidak melampirkan
SKD sesuai batas waktu yang dipersyaratkan.
This thesis analyzes the impact of Regulation No. PER-24/PJ/2010 on the legal
certainty and services to tax payers and whether or not the administrative
requirements of PER-24/PJ/2010 have fulfilled the principles of legal certainty,
fulfilling the sense of fairness and are based on ?good faith? pursuant to article 31
of Vienna Convention on the Law of Tax Treaties (VCLT) and OECD Model.
The result are PER-24/PJ/2010 provides an administrative guideline to the
utilization of Tax Treaty in Indonesia. However, the administrative requirements
of PER-24/PJ/2010 may hamper the utilization of tax treaty by foreign tax payers
in Indonesia, so that the definition of ?good faith? as referred to in article 31
VCLT cannot be fulfilled. The process of procurement of Certificate of Domicile
(COD) takes time since it relates with taxation authorities of other countries. PER-
24/PJ/2010 should be revised by adding administrative penalty for those that fail
to attach COD according to the time limit as required;This thesis analyzes the impact of Regulation No. PER-24/PJ/2010 on the legal
certainty and services to tax payers and whether or not the administrative
requirements of PER-24/PJ/2010 have fulfilled the principles of legal certainty,
fulfilling the sense of fairness and are based on ?good faith? pursuant to article 31
of Vienna Convention on the Law of Tax Treaties (VCLT) and OECD Model.
The result are PER-24/PJ/2010 provides an administrative guideline to the
utilization of Tax Treaty in Indonesia. However, the administrative requirements
of PER-24/PJ/2010 may hamper the utilization of tax treaty by foreign tax payers
in Indonesia, so that the definition of ?good faith? as referred to in article 31
VCLT cannot be fulfilled. The process of procurement of Certificate of Domicile
(COD) takes time since it relates with taxation authorities of other countries. PER-
24/PJ/2010 should be revised by adding administrative penalty for those that fail
to attach COD according to the time limit as required;This thesis analyzes the impact of Regulation No. PER-24/PJ/2010 on the legal
certainty and services to tax payers and whether or not the administrative
requirements of PER-24/PJ/2010 have fulfilled the principles of legal certainty,
fulfilling the sense of fairness and are based on “good faith” pursuant to article 31
of Vienna Convention on the Law of Tax Treaties (VCLT) and OECD Model.
The result are PER-24/PJ/2010 provides an administrative guideline to the
utilization of Tax Treaty in Indonesia. However, the administrative requirements
of PER-24/PJ/2010 may hamper the utilization of tax treaty by foreign tax payers
in Indonesia, so that the definition of “good faith” as referred to in article 31
VCLT cannot be fulfilled. The process of procurement of Certificate of Domicile
(COD) takes time since it relates with taxation authorities of other countries. PER-
24/PJ/2010 should be revised by adding administrative penalty for those that fail
to attach COD according to the time limit as required, This thesis analyzes the impact of Regulation No. PER-24/PJ/2010 on the legal
certainty and services to tax payers and whether or not the administrative
requirements of PER-24/PJ/2010 have fulfilled the principles of legal certainty,
fulfilling the sense of fairness and are based on “good faith” pursuant to article 31
of Vienna Convention on the Law of Tax Treaties (VCLT) and OECD Model.
The result are PER-24/PJ/2010 provides an administrative guideline to the
utilization of Tax Treaty in Indonesia. However, the administrative requirements
of PER-24/PJ/2010 may hamper the utilization of tax treaty by foreign tax payers
in Indonesia, so that the definition of “good faith” as referred to in article 31
VCLT cannot be fulfilled. The process of procurement of Certificate of Domicile
(COD) takes time since it relates with taxation authorities of other countries. PER-
24/PJ/2010 should be revised by adding administrative penalty for those that fail
to attach COD according to the time limit as required]