ABSTRAKAgregat impor, ekspor dan FDI sering digunakan untuk menginformasikan
tingkat internasionalisasi perusahaan. Namun, ukuran-ukuran agregat ini tidak
mengungkapkan karakteristik perusahaan secara rinci. Penelitian ini
menggunakan data tingkat perusahaan dari tahun 2006 sensus ekonomi Indonesia
untuk mengungkapkan empat karakteristik yang berbeda dari perusahaanperusahaan
manufaktur Indonesia. Pertama, distribusi ekspor yang dibuat oleh
perusahaan-perusahaan manufaktur; kedua, intensitas ekspor; ketiga, struktur
kepemilikan perusahaan manufaktur; dan keempat, penguraian ekspor antara
industri dan tujuan;
ABSTRACTAggregate imports, exports and FDI are often used to inform policymakers
of the level of firm?s level internationalization. These measures, however, does
not reveal firms? characteristics in detail. This study uses firm level data from
Indonesia?s 2006 economic census to reveal four different characteristics of
Indonesian manufacturing firms. First, the distribution of exports made by
manufacturing firms; second, the intensity of exports; third, the ownership
structures of manufacturing firms; and fourth, the export shares among industries
and destinations;Aggregate imports, exports and FDI are often used to inform policymakers
of the level of firm?s level internationalization. These measures, however, does
not reveal firms? characteristics in detail. This study uses firm level data from
Indonesia?s 2006 economic census to reveal four different characteristics of
Indonesian manufacturing firms. First, the distribution of exports made by
manufacturing firms; second, the intensity of exports; third, the ownership
structures of manufacturing firms; and fourth, the export shares among industries
and destinations;Aggregate imports, exports and FDI are often used to inform policymakers
of the level of firm’s level internationalization. These measures, however, does
not reveal firms’ characteristics in detail. This study uses firm level data from
Indonesia’s 2006 economic census to reveal four different characteristics of
Indonesian manufacturing firms. First, the distribution of exports made by
manufacturing firms; second, the intensity of exports; third, the ownership
structures of manufacturing firms; and fourth, the export shares among industries
and destinations, Aggregate imports, exports and FDI are often used to inform policymakers
of the level of firm’s level internationalization. These measures, however, does
not reveal firms’ characteristics in detail. This study uses firm level data from
Indonesia’s 2006 economic census to reveal four different characteristics of
Indonesian manufacturing firms. First, the distribution of exports made by
manufacturing firms; second, the intensity of exports; third, the ownership
structures of manufacturing firms; and fourth, the export shares among industries
and destinations]