ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang bagaimana hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap dengan niat
melaksanakan konseling berhenti merokok di antara mahasiswa profesi dan spesialis
kedokteran gigi di RSKGM FKG UI. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif
dengan desain potong lintang. Sikap merupakan variabel yang paling besar
mempengaruhi niat melakukan konseling berhenti merokok, setelah dikontrol oleh
variabel umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, status merokok, dan pengetahuan. Nilai OR
(OR adjusted) = 59,795 (95% CI 14,777-241,957). Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan
agar ada upaya pembentukan sikap terhadap perilaku konseling berhenti merokok
melalui pendidikan yang terencana, terarah, dan berkesinambungan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses how the relationship between knowledge and attitudes with the
intention of implementing smoking cessation counseling among students of
professional and specialist dentistry in RSKGM FKG UI. This research is a
quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Attitude is the biggest variable
affecting intention to quit smoking counseling, once controlled by the variables of
age, gender, education, smoking status, and knowledge. OR value (OR adjusted) =
59.795 (95% CI 14.777 to 241.957). The results of this study suggest that there are
efforts to establish attitudes towards smoking cessation counseling behaviors through
education planned, directed, and continuous;This thesis discusses how the relationship between knowledge and attitudes with the
intention of implementing smoking cessation counseling among students of
professional and specialist dentistry in RSKGM FKG UI. This research is a
quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Attitude is the biggest variable
affecting intention to quit smoking counseling, once controlled by the variables of
age, gender, education, smoking status, and knowledge. OR value (OR adjusted) =
59.795 (95% CI 14.777 to 241.957). The results of this study suggest that there are
efforts to establish attitudes towards smoking cessation counseling behaviors through
education planned, directed, and continuous, This thesis discusses how the relationship between knowledge and attitudes with the
intention of implementing smoking cessation counseling among students of
professional and specialist dentistry in RSKGM FKG UI. This research is a
quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Attitude is the biggest variable
affecting intention to quit smoking counseling, once controlled by the variables of
age, gender, education, smoking status, and knowledge. OR value (OR adjusted) =
59.795 (95% CI 14.777 to 241.957). The results of this study suggest that there are
efforts to establish attitudes towards smoking cessation counseling behaviors through
education planned, directed, and continuous]