ABSTRAKHasil pemeliharaan korektif (perbaikan) alat kesehatan di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar mengalami penurunan yaitu tahun 2012 adalah 53% dan tahun 2013 adalah 49%. Sementara target Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) RSUP Sanglah adalah 75%, dan target Kementerian Kesehatan RI adalah 100%. Kondisi ini merugikan pasien yang memerlukan pelayanan alat, dan rumah sakit dari sisi finansial. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya hasil pemeliharaan ini, dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan teori sistem (input-proses-output). Hasil dan pembahasan penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa penyebab rendahnya hasil pemeliharaan korektif adalah kurang siapnya faktor-faktor perencanaan pemeliharaan, organisasi IPSRS, pelaksanaan pemeliharaan, dan pengendalian mutu pemeliharaan alat kesehatan. Saran ditujukan kepada manajemen RSUP Sanglah adalah perlunya penambahan minimal 7 orang dan pelatihan berkala terhadap teknisi dan operator; Pengendalian peredaran merek-merek dan alat-alat yang kurang berkualitas di rumah sakit; Penyederhanaan prosedur pengadaan barang/ jasa internal dan mempercepat proses pengadaan suku cadang; Pemanfaatan pihak ketiga untuk pemeliharaan alat-alat berteknologi tinggi, dan KSO alat kesehatan yang menguntungkan rumah sakit; Perencanaan yang berbasis kebutuhan aktual di lapangan; Pelaksanaan pemeliharaan preventif yang sesuai rekomendasi pabrik; serta peningkatan motivasi staf agar bekerja untuk mencapai target.
ABSTRACTThe result of medical equipment corrective maintenance (repair) in Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar, year 2012 and 2013, were low (53% in 2012 and 49% in 2013), while target of Sanglah Hospital is 75%, and of Ministry of Health (MOH) standard is 100%. This condition will adverse to the pasien, and hospital because of financial loss. The study used qualitative and system approaches (input-process-output), and to find out the factors that affect those low result. The result concluded that the problem was caused by lack of technician and at least additional of 7 persons is needed. This study suggested to restrict the unqualified medical equipment at Sanglah Hospital, simplify and faster the spareparts procurement procedures, involve third party participation to maintain the advance medical equipment and joint operasional (KSO) of medical equipment, planning based on the actual target, implementation of maintenance based on manufacturer recommendation, and improve staff motivation to achieve the hospital target on quality improvement.;The result of medical equipment corrective maintenance (repair) in Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar, year 2012 and 2013, were low (53% in 2012 and 49% in 2013), while target of Sanglah Hospital is 75%, and of Ministry of Health (MOH) standard is 100%. This condition will adverse to the pasien, and hospital because of financial loss. The study used qualitative and system approaches (input-process-output), and to find out the factors that affect those low result. The result concluded that the problem was caused by lack of technician and at least additional of 7 persons is needed. This study suggested to restrict the unqualified medical equipment at Sanglah Hospital, simplify and faster the spareparts procurement procedures, involve third party participation to maintain the advance medical equipment and joint operasional (KSO) of medical equipment, planning based on the actual target, implementation of maintenance based on manufacturer recommendation, and improve staff motivation to achieve the hospital target on quality improvement., The result of medical equipment corrective maintenance (repair) in Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar, year 2012 and 2013, were low (53% in 2012 and 49% in 2013), while target of Sanglah Hospital is 75%, and of Ministry of Health (MOH) standard is 100%. This condition will adverse to the pasien, and hospital because of financial loss. The study used qualitative and system approaches (input-process-output), and to find out the factors that affect those low result. The result concluded that the problem was caused by lack of technician and at least additional of 7 persons is needed. This study suggested to restrict the unqualified medical equipment at Sanglah Hospital, simplify and faster the spareparts procurement procedures, involve third party participation to maintain the advance medical equipment and joint operasional (KSO) of medical equipment, planning based on the actual target, implementation of maintenance based on manufacturer recommendation, and improve staff motivation to achieve the hospital target on quality improvement.]