ABSTRAKSaat ini rasio elektrifikasi Jawa Barat baru mencapai 76,03% yang berarti sekitar
34% lagi penduduk Jawa Barat belum menikmati listrik. Faktor kendalanya
adalah topografi Jawa Barat yang berbukit-bukit atau pegunungan dan sebaran
penduduk yang sulit dijangkau jaringan tenaga listrik. Maka salah satu solusi
untuk meningkatkan rasio elektrifikasi di Jawa Barat adalah dengan menggunakan
program Desa Mandiri energi (DME). Mengingat Jawa Barat merupakan wilayah
di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi energi yaitu berupa air karena fotografinya
yang berbukit-bukit serta pegunungan tropis maka pembangunan DME khususnya
PLTMH bisa dijadikan solusi untuk meningkatkan rasio elektrifikasi khusunya
untuk daerah yang sulit dijangkau jaringan listrik PLN. Selain itu hampir seluruh
pelosok Indonesia mendapat sinar surya termasuk Jawa Barat sehingga
penggunaan energi surya (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya ? PLTS) juga bisa
dijadikan solusi untuk program DME tersebut. Saat ini teknologi PLTS dan
PLTMH sudah semakin membaik dan berkembang. Dengan memperhatikan pada
analisis resiko dari pemanfatan PLTMH dan PLTS, tesis ini akan merumuskan
rekomendasi yang bisa dijadikan strategi dalam upaya peningkatan rasio
elektrifikasi dan pencapaian program DME sesuai dengan yang diprakirakan
ABSTRACTCurrently West Java electrification ratio reached 76.03 % , which means about 34
% more residents of West Java has not enjoyed electricity . Constraint factor is the
topography of West Java hilly or mountainous and difficult to reach population
distribution network of electric power . So one of the solutions to increase the
electrification ratio in West Java is to use a program Independent Village of
energy ( DME . Given a region of West Java in Indonesia, which has the potential
energy in the form of water because photography is hilly and mountainous
tropical MHP in particular the development of DME can be used as a solution to
increase the electrification ratio especially for areas that are difficult to reach
grid . Besides almost all corners of Indonesia gets sunlight including West Java ,
so the use of solar energy ( Solar Power - PLTS ) can also be used as a solution to
the DME program . Currently PLTS and MHP technology is getting better and
growing . With regard to the risk analysis of the utilization of MHP and solar
power , this thesis will make recommendations that could be used as a strategy in
an effort to increase the electrification ratio and achievement DME program in
accordance with the predicted, Currently West Java electrification ratio reached 76.03 % , which means about 34
% more residents of West Java has not enjoyed electricity . Constraint factor is the
topography of West Java hilly or mountainous and difficult to reach population
distribution network of electric power . So one of the solutions to increase the
electrification ratio in West Java is to use a program Independent Village of
energy ( DME . Given a region of West Java in Indonesia, which has the potential
energy in the form of water because photography is hilly and mountainous
tropical MHP in particular the development of DME can be used as a solution to
increase the electrification ratio especially for areas that are difficult to reach
grid . Besides almost all corners of Indonesia gets sunlight including West Java ,
so the use of solar energy ( Solar Power - PLTS ) can also be used as a solution to
the DME program . Currently PLTS and MHP technology is getting better and
growing . With regard to the risk analysis of the utilization of MHP and solar
power , this thesis will make recommendations that could be used as a strategy in
an effort to increase the electrification ratio and achievement DME program in
accordance with the predicted]