ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perbedaan pencapaian pendidikan anak
migran dan non migran. Hasil analisis regresi logistik biner dengan data Susenas
2012 menunjukkan bahwa peluang anak migran berpendidikan SMA ke atas lebih
tinggi daripada anak non migran berdasarkan karakteristik orang tua, anak, dan
wilayah. Beberapa kelompok anak yang lebih diuntungkan oleh status migrasi
orang tua adalah anak perempuan dan anak dari KRT perempuan, KRT yang tidak
bekerja, KRT yang berpendidikan SMA ke atas, yang status ekonomi rumah
tangganya teratas, dan yang berada di wilayah Indonesia Timur. Ditemukan pula
bahwa terdapat ketimpangan pencapaian pendidikan yang paling tinggi antara
anak migran dan nonmigran di wilayah Indonesia Timur.
ABSTRACTThis research aims to study the educational attainment of migrants? and non-migrants?
children in Indonesia. The results of binary logistic regression show that the migrants?
children are more likely to attain at least high school education than the non-migrants?
children based on the characteristics of parents, children and areas. The children who are
more benefited by parents? migration are daughters and children with heads of
households who are female, not working, at least high school educated, belong to the
highest economic status, and are located in Eastern Indonesia. The highest inequality of
educational attainment between the migrants? and non-migrants? children are found in
Eastern Indonesiamigrants, non-migrants, children?s educational attainment, This research aims to study the educational attainment of migrants’ and non-migrants’
children in Indonesia. The results of binary logistic regression show that the migrants’
children are more likely to attain at least high school education than the non-migrants’
children based on the characteristics of parents, children and areas. The children who are
more benefited by parents’ migration are daughters and children with heads of
households who are female, not working, at least high school educated, belong to the
highest economic status, and are located in Eastern Indonesia. The highest inequality of
educational attainment between the migrants’ and non-migrants’ children are found in
Eastern Indonesiamigrants, non-migrants, children’s educational attainment]