ABSTRAKMannan merupakan polisakarida yang melimpah, yang dapat ditemukan pada residu ekstrak kopi, kopra, umbi porang (Amorphophallus sp.) dan bungkil inti kelapa sawit (BIKS). Mannan dapat dihidolisis secara enzimatis menggunakan enzim mannanase yang dihasilkan oleh Streptomyces lipmanii untuk menghasilkan manno-oligosakarida yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai prebiotik. Analisis dengan KLT menunjukkan adanya spot-spot dengan nilai Rf antara Rf mannosa dan mannotetrosa. Analisis lebih lanjut menggunakan HPLC menunjukkan terbentuknya mannobiosa dan manno-oligosakarida yang lain.
ABSTRACTMannan is an abundant polysaccharide that can be found in coffee extract residue, copra, porang (Amorphophallus sp.) tuber and palm kernel cake (PKC). Mannan can be hydrolized enzymatically using mannanase produced by Streptomyces lipmanii, to produce manno-oligosaccharides which can be used as a prebiotic. Analysis by TLC showed the presence of compounds between mannose and mannotetrose spots Rf. Further analysis using HPLC showed that mannobiose and others manno-oligosaccharides formed.
, Mannan is an abundant polysaccharide that can be found in coffee extract residue, copra, porang (Amorphophallus sp.) tuber and palm kernel cake (PKC). Mannan can be hydrolized enzymatically using mannanase produced by Streptomyces lipmanii, to produce manno-oligosaccharides which can be used as a prebiotic. Analysis by TLC showed the presence of compounds between mannose and mannotetrose spots Rf. Further analysis using HPLC showed that mannobiose and others manno-oligosaccharides formed.