ABSTRAKEnergi dan pangan memiliki peran yang penting dalam suatu negara.
Kenaikan pada harga energi dan pangan memberikan dampak pada rumah tangga
dan komoditas lain. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dampak
guncangan harga energi dan pangan terhadap harga komoditas lain, biaya hidup
rumah tangga serta perubahan tingkat kemiskinan dan ketimpangan di Indonesia.
Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis dampak tersebut adalah model Social
Accounting Matrix (SAM). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kenaikan harga
pangan cenderung memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar daripada energi, baik
pengaruh terhadap kenaikan harga lain ataupun terhadap biaya hidup rumah
tangga dan kemiskinan.
ABSTRACTEnergy and food has important roles in a country. The fluctuations of food
price and energy price has great impact to other commoditiesand households. The
goal of the study is to identify the energy and food price shocks of other
commodity prices, the cost of living on household, the poverty and inequality in
indonesia. This study use Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) model as a tool to
analyze that impact. The research found that the rise in food prices tend to have
more influence than energy on the commodity price andthe cost of living on
household.;Energy and food has important roles in a country. The fluctuations of food
price and energy price has great impact to other commoditiesand households. The
goal of the study is to identify the energy and food price shocks of other
commodity prices, the cost of living on household, the poverty and inequality in
indonesia. This study use Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) model as a tool to
analyze that impact. The research found that the rise in food prices tend to have
more influence than energy on the commodity price andthe cost of living on
household., Energy and food has important roles in a country. The fluctuations of food
price and energy price has great impact to other commoditiesand households. The
goal of the study is to identify the energy and food price shocks of other
commodity prices, the cost of living on household, the poverty and inequality in
indonesia. This study use Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) model as a tool to
analyze that impact. The research found that the rise in food prices tend to have
more influence than energy on the commodity price andthe cost of living on