ABSTRAKPenelitian tesis ini dilakukan di kantor PT XYZ, sebuah perusahaan farmasi terhadap Medical Representative (Medrep), dengan responden sebanyak 73 orang. Rendahnya jumlah Medrep yang konsisten mencapai target penjualan, mempengaruhi hasil kinerja dan profit PT XYZ. Sehingga diperlukan suatu intervensi yang mempengaruhi perilaku penjualan yaitu kompetensi dalam hal learning goal orientation, performance goal orientation, adaptive selling skills serta penggunaan dan pemanfaatan teknologi melalui aktivitas knowledge sharing. Intervensi ini disusun secara bertahap dengan difokuskan pada Technostructural Intervention, dan Human Resources Management Intervention. Aktivitas knowledge sharing ini dilakukan oleh change agent yaitu Medrep Top Performers dengan menggunakan pendekatan SECI dan double loop learning.
ABSTRACTThis research was conducted at PT XYZ, a pharmaceutical company for medical representatives, with 73 respondents. Lower number of sales people who were consistent in achieving sales target, influenced to sales performance and profit of PT XYZ. It needed an intervention that impacted to selling behavior i.e competencies in learning goal orientation, performance goal orientation, adaptive selling skills and ICT use through knowledge sharing. Intervention was planned and focused to Technostructural and Human Resources Intervention. Knowledge sharing activities will be done by change agent i.e. Medrep Top Performers through SECI approaches and double loop learning.;This research was conducted at PT XYZ, a pharmaceutical company for medical representatives, with 73 respondents. Lower number of sales people who were consistent in achieving sales target, influenced to sales performance and profit of PT XYZ. It needed an intervention that impacted to selling behavior i.e competencies in learning goal orientation, performance goal orientation, adaptive selling skills and ICT use through knowledge sharing. Intervention was planned and focused to Technostructural and Human Resources Intervention. Knowledge sharing activities will be done by change agent i.e. Medrep Top Performers through SECI approaches and double loop learning., This research was conducted at PT XYZ, a pharmaceutical company for medical representatives, with 73 respondents. Lower number of sales people who were consistent in achieving sales target, influenced to sales performance and profit of PT XYZ. It needed an intervention that impacted to selling behavior i.e competencies in learning goal orientation, performance goal orientation, adaptive selling skills and ICT use through knowledge sharing. Intervention was planned and focused to Technostructural and Human Resources Intervention. Knowledge sharing activities will be done by change agent i.e. Medrep Top Performers through SECI approaches and double loop learning.]