ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh status bekerja dan karakteristik pekerjaan remaja terhadap hubungan seksual pranikah remaja Indonesia. Hasil regresi logistik biner menggunakan data responden belum kawin yang berusia 15-24 tahun dari SDKI-Remaja 2012 menunjukkan bahwa status bekerja dan karakteristik pekerjaan signifikan mempengaruhi perilaku seksual
pranikah remaja. Remaja yang bekerja saja memiliki risiko 1,78 kali lebih tinggi untuk berhubungan seksual pranikah dibandingkan remaja yang bersekolah saja.
Selain itu, risiko remaja yang bekerja musiman/sesekali untuk berhubungan seksual pranikah 1,36 kali lebih tinggi dibanding remaja yang bekerja sepanjang tahun, sementara remaja pekerja kerah putih memiliki risiko 1,15 kali lebih tinggi dibanding remaja pekerja kerah biru untuk berhubungan seksual pranikah.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the influence of adolescents? working status and job characteristics on premarital sexual behavior in Indonesia. The results of binary
logistic regressions of never married adolescents from the IDHS-ARH 2012 data show that working status and job characteristics are significant in affecting
adolescents? premarital sex. Working adolescents have 1.78 times higher risk of having premarital sex compared to in-school-adolescents. The risk of adolescents
with seasonal/temporary jobs to have premarital sex is 1.36 times higher compared to those with all-year jobs, whereas adolescents with white collar jobs have 1.15 times higher risk to have premarital sex compared to those with bluecollar jobs., This study aims to analyze the influence of adolescents’ working status and job characteristics on premarital sexual behavior in Indonesia. The results of binary
logistic regressions of never married adolescents from the IDHS-ARH 2012 data show that working status and job characteristics are significant in affecting
adolescents’ premarital sex. Working adolescents have 1.78 times higher risk of having premarital sex compared to in-school-adolescents. The risk of adolescents
with seasonal/temporary jobs to have premarital sex is 1.36 times higher compared to those with all-year jobs, whereas adolescents with white collar jobs have 1.15 times higher risk to have premarital sex compared to those with bluecollar jobs.]