ABSTRAKMisi Mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan misi sebagai wahana belajar kepemimpinan bagi anak-anak muda terbaik Indonesia agar tak semata memiliki kompetensi kelas dunia, tetapi juga pemahaman akar rumput membawa perspektif baru bagi kaderisasi anak muda di Indonesia telah membawa Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (GIM) mengirimkan Pengajar Muda (PM) ke 17 Kabupaten terpencil.
PM dan GIM menjadi fenomena menarik bagi gerakan anak muda Indonesia. Jadi, penelitian ini mencoba membahas pola kepemimpinan apa yang terbentuk selama pengiriman PM dan mencoba menelisik lebih jauh pola GIM dalam
kerangka civil society dan Gerakan Sosial Baru.
Penelitian ini mengggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengambil informan para PM aktif dan alumni. Data didapatkan dengan metode wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa pola kepemimpinan akar rumput PM
menjadi terbentuk dalam pola penempatan di daerah terpencil. Dari sini membuka wawasan mereka mengenai luas dan beragamnya Indonesia, sementara bagi daerah penepatan merasa senang dikirim anak muda untuk mengajar di daerahnya. PM menjadi aktor di lapangan dalam proses penguatan civil society di Indonesia yang memiliki shared value mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dengan mengatasi masalah kekurangan tenaga pengajar di daerah terpencil. Hal ini sejalan dengan pemikiran Larry Diamond. Proses pengiriman PM ke daerah memberi gambaran
Gerakan Sosial Baru di Indonesia bahwa organisasi non pemerintah melakukan GIM tanpa harus menghilangkan peran institusi negara, bahkan mengajak bekerja sama menjadi jembatan bersama pihak swasta untuk memajukan pendidikan
Indonesia dalam rangka mencerdaskan segenap tumpah darah Indonesia. Hal ini sesuai dengan empat aspek Gerakan Sosial Baru: pertama, adanya kesamaan keyakinan (shared beliefs) dan solidaritas; kedua, adanya jaringan kerja dan interaksi informal; ketiga, aksi kolektif atas issu-issu konfliktual; keempat, aksi yang menunjukkan ruang yang luas di luar institusionalitas dan prosedur-prosedur rutin dari kehidupan sosial. Saran penelitian ini ada beberapa. Pertama, Bagi GIM, sekiranya pola
Kepemimpinan akar rumput menjadi dimasifkan ke dalam bentuk kurikulum pembelajaran orang dewasa PM di lapangan. Kedua, Pengiriman PM menjadi wahana strategis anak muda untuk belajar kepemimpinan dan nasionalisme
Indonesia karena mampu melihat Indonesia di daerah terpencil. Maka dari itu, perlu kiranya makin diperkuat jalinan jaringan antara pihak terkait agar kegiatan
ini mampu tersebar lebih dari 17 Kabupaten tepencil di Indonesia. Ketiga, Teori Kepemimpinan Akar Rumput menjadi alternatif dalam proses kaderisasi kepemimpinan muda hendaknya mulai dikaji secara ilmiah dan dilaksanakan pada organisasi-organisasi kepemudaan. Kempat, terkait dengan tehnis penelitian ini.
Sempitnya waktu penelitian yang diberikan berimbas pada hasil penelitian yang belum maksimal dan komprehensif. Maka dari itu hendaknya perlu dilakukan kembali kajian mendalam mengenai Kepemimpinan Akar Rumput baik secara
teoritik keilmuan maupun pelaksanaan di berbagai organisasi.
Mission to educated life of the nation and the mission as a field to learn leadership for best young Indonesia so that they cannot simply have world-class competence, but also grass-roots understanding bring a new perspective to the young cadre recruitment in Indonesia make Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (GIM) sends Pengajar Muda (PM) to 17 isolated Districts. PM and GIM became thephenomenon of interest to the youth movement of Indonesia. Thus, this research attempts to address what leadership patterns formed during the delivery of the PMand try to probe further patterns of GIM in the framework of civil society and new Social Movements.This research using qualitative method by taking the informant, active and alumni PM. Data obtained with the method of in-depth interviews. The research results obtained that the grassroots leadership of PM pattern to be formed in the pattern of placement in remote areas. From here open their insight about vast and various regions of Indonesia, while placement had the pleasure sent young people to teach in its territory. PM being a field actors in the process of strengthening civil society in Indonesia, that have shared value educated life of the nation with sending solution in lack of teacher in remote area at Indonesia. This equal to LarryDiamond theories of Civil Society. Placement PM to prefigure a new Social Movement in Indonesia that non-governmental organizations doing GIM withouthaving to State institutions, even nullifying invites work being a bridge with private parties to advance the education of Indonesia in order to Educate all thespilled blood of Indonesia. This same with four element of New Social Movement; shared beliefs and solidarity; network an informal interaction; collective action; action that show large spaces outside of institusional and routine procedure in social live. This research had several suggestions. First, For GIM, if GrassrootsLeadership patterns to be spread into the shape of the curriculum learning adult am on the field. Second, PM placement being a strategic way to young people tostudy leadership and nationalism of Indonesia cause they able to see Indonesia in remote areas. Therefore, it needs to be further reinforced braided chain betweenthe parties related to this activity are able to spread over 17 remote Regency in Indonesia. Third, the grass-roots Leadership Theory into alternatives in theprocess of young leadership cadre recruitment should begin studied scientifically and held on youth organizations. The province, related to technical the research. The narrowness of the given research time imposes the research results whichhave not been fullest and comprehensive. Therefore he should need to be done again in-depth study on Grassroots leadership either in academic or teoritikimplementation in various organizations.;Mission to educated life of the nation and the mission as a field to learn leadership for best young Indonesia so that they cannot simply have world-class competence, but also grass-roots understanding bring a new perspective to the young cadre recruitment in Indonesia make Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (GIM) sends Pengajar Muda (PM) to 17 isolated Districts. PM and GIM became thephenomenon of interest to the youth movement of Indonesia. Thus, this research attempts to address what leadership patterns formed during the delivery of the PMand try to probe further patterns of GIM in the framework of civil society and new Social Movements.This research using qualitative method by taking the informant, active and alumni PM. Data obtained with the method of in-depth interviews. The research results obtained that the grassroots leadership of PM pattern to be formed in the pattern of placement in remote areas. From here open their insight about vast and various regions of Indonesia, while placement had the pleasure sent young people to teach in its territory. PM being a field actors in the process of strengthening civil society in Indonesia, that have shared value educated life of the nation with sending solution in lack of teacher in remote area at Indonesia. This equal to LarryDiamond theories of Civil Society. Placement PM to prefigure a new Social Movement in Indonesia that non-governmental organizations doing GIM withouthaving to State institutions, even nullifying invites work being a bridge with private parties to advance the education of Indonesia in order to Educate all thespilled blood of Indonesia. This same with four element of New Social Movement; shared beliefs and solidarity; network an informal interaction; collective action; action that show large spaces outside of institusional and routine procedure in social live. This research had several suggestions. First, For GIM, if GrassrootsLeadership patterns to be spread into the shape of the curriculum learning adult am on the field. Second, PM placement being a strategic way to young people tostudy leadership and nationalism of Indonesia cause they able to see Indonesia in remote areas. Therefore, it needs to be further reinforced braided chain betweenthe parties related to this activity are able to spread over 17 remote Regency in Indonesia. Third, the grass-roots Leadership Theory into alternatives in theprocess of young leadership cadre recruitment should begin studied scientifically and held on youth organizations. The province, related to technical the research. The narrowness of the given research time imposes the research results whichhave not been fullest and comprehensive. Therefore he should need to be done again in-depth study on Grassroots leadership either in academic or teoritikimplementation in various organizations., Mission to educated life of the nation and the mission as a field to learn leadership for best young Indonesia so that they cannot simply have world-class competence, but also grass-roots understanding bring a new perspective to the young cadre recruitment in Indonesia make Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (GIM) sends Pengajar Muda (PM) to 17 isolated Districts. PM and GIM became thephenomenon of interest to the youth movement of Indonesia. Thus, this research attempts to address what leadership patterns formed during the delivery of the PMand try to probe further patterns of GIM in the framework of civil society and new Social Movements.This research using qualitative method by taking the informant, active and alumni PM. Data obtained with the method of in-depth interviews. The research results obtained that the grassroots leadership of PM pattern to be formed in the pattern of placement in remote areas. From here open their insight about vast and various regions of Indonesia, while placement had the pleasure sent young people to teach in its territory. PM being a field actors in the process of strengthening civil society in Indonesia, that have shared value educated life of the nation with sending solution in lack of teacher in remote area at Indonesia. This equal to LarryDiamond theories of Civil Society. Placement PM to prefigure a new Social Movement in Indonesia that non-governmental organizations doing GIM withouthaving to State institutions, even nullifying invites work being a bridge with private parties to advance the education of Indonesia in order to Educate all thespilled blood of Indonesia. This same with four element of New Social Movement; shared beliefs and solidarity; network an informal interaction; collective action; action that show large spaces outside of institusional and routine procedure in social live. This research had several suggestions. First, For GIM, if GrassrootsLeadership patterns to be spread into the shape of the curriculum learning adult am on the field. Second, PM placement being a strategic way to young people tostudy leadership and nationalism of Indonesia cause they able to see Indonesia in remote areas. Therefore, it needs to be further reinforced braided chain betweenthe parties related to this activity are able to spread over 17 remote Regency in Indonesia. Third, the grass-roots Leadership Theory into alternatives in theprocess of young leadership cadre recruitment should begin studied scientifically and held on youth organizations. The province, related to technical the research. The narrowness of the given research time imposes the research results whichhave not been fullest and comprehensive. Therefore he should need to be done again in-depth study on Grassroots leadership either in academic or teoritikimplementation in various organizations.]