ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas kualitas pelayanan di PT Graha Martha. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab tingginya tingkat keluhan pelanggan. Untuk mencapai kinerja tinggi perusahaan harus meningkatkan kualitas layanannya kepada pelanggan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan data dari wawancara dan observasi untuk menganalisis penyebab internal dan eksternal masalah ketidakhadiran. Faktor internal berupa analisis keterlibatan karyawan dan faktor eksternal berupa analisis karakteristik serta keterlibatan pekerjaan. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan harus menerapkan intervensi manajemen pengetahuan dan intervensi teknostruktural menggunakan teori Employee Involvement (EI). Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan melalui program Employee Involvement difokuskan pada empat elemen pokok yaitu kekuasaan, informasi, pengetahuan dan keterampilan, dan remunerasi untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan Engineers terhadap perusahaan yang pada akhirnya akan menghasilkan kinerja perusahaan yang tinggi.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discuses the quality of service in PT Graha Martha. It aims to identify the causes of the rate of customers. this research applies qualitative design and uses data from interviews and obsevations to analyze the eployee engagement analysis whilst the external factors focus on abalyzing the job characteristic and job involvement. the results of the study suggest that the company shoul implement knowledge managemnet and technostructural interventions using Employee Involvement theory. Quality of service involvement through Employee Involvement program is focused on four principal elements namely power, information, knowledge and skills, and remuneration to increac=se engineers' involvement to the company which eventually will results in high corporate performance.;This thesis discusses the quality of service in PT Graha Martha. It aims to identify the causes of the high rate of customer complaints. To achieve high performance, the company has to improve its quality service to customers. This research applies qualitative design and uses data from interviews and observations to analyze the internal and external causes of absenteeism. Internal factor is referred to as employee engagement analysis whilst the external factors focus on analyzing the job characteristic and job involvement. The results of the study suggest that the company should implement knowledge management and technostructural interventions using Employee Involvement (EI) theory. Quality of service improvement through Employee Involvement program is focused on four principal elements namely power, information, knowledge and skills, and remuneration to increase engineers’ involvement to the company which eventually will result in high corporate performance., This thesis discusses the quality of service in PT Graha Martha. It aims to identify the causes of the high rate of customer complaints. To achieve high performance, the company has to improve its quality service to customers. This research applies qualitative design and uses data from interviews and observations to analyze the internal and external causes of absenteeism. Internal factor is referred to as employee engagement analysis whilst the external factors focus on analyzing the job characteristic and job involvement. The results of the study suggest that the company should implement knowledge management and technostructural interventions using Employee Involvement (EI) theory. Quality of service improvement through Employee Involvement program is focused on four principal elements namely power, information, knowledge and skills, and remuneration to increase engineers’ involvement to the company which eventually will result in high corporate performance.]