ABSTRAKMunculnya construction waste pada pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi tidak dapat
dihindari. Munculnya construction waste pada proyek konstruksi ini tentunya
berdampak pada kinerja biaya proyek. Apabila construction waste dalam
pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi tidak dikendalikan, maka dapat terjadi
pembengkakan biaya proyek. Untuk itu perlu adanya suatu usaha untuk
mengendalikan munculnya construction waste ini. Salah satu usaha dalam
mengendalikan munculnya construction waste adalah dengan penerapan Waste
Management Plan. Dalam kaitannya dengan konsep konstruksi ramping (lean
construction), Waste Management Plan diharapkan tidak hanya terfokus pada
masalah waste dalam bentuk material saja. Tetapi juga perlu dilihat waste dalam
bentuk kehilangan waktu, tenaga kerja yang tidak produktif dan penggunaan
peralatan yang tidak efektif dan efisien. Data diperoleh dengan penyebaran
kuesioner. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structural Equation
Modeling dengan bantuan program SmartPLS. Hasil dari pengolahan data tersebut
berupa matriks dampak ? penyebab dan grafik pola hubungan dampak ? penyebab.
ABSTRACTConstruction waste in the construction project can not be avoided. This condition
is certainly has an impact to the project cost performance. If construction waste
are not controlled, they can make cost overrun. Therefore, there needs to be an
effort to control construction waste during the proses of construction. Waste
Management Plan is one of the way to control the construction waste. In relation
to the concept of lean construction, Waste Management Plan is expected to not
only focus on the problem of material waste, but also needs to be seen in time
loses, labour productivity and equipment that?s not effective and efficient.
Quesionner used to collect the data from the responden. Data analysis uses
Structural Equation Modeling with tool SmartPLS. The result is shown by the
matrix of impact-causes and pattern graphic of impact-causes relation.;Construction waste in the construction project can not be avoided. This condition
is certainly has an impact to the project cost performance. If construction waste
are not controlled, they can make cost overrun. Therefore, there needs to be an
effort to control construction waste during the proses of construction. Waste
Management Plan is one of the way to control the construction waste. In relation
to the concept of lean construction, Waste Management Plan is expected to not
only focus on the problem of material waste, but also needs to be seen in time
loses, labour productivity and equipment that?s not effective and efficient.
Quesionner used to collect the data from the responden. Data analysis uses
Structural Equation Modeling with tool SmartPLS. The result is shown by the
matrix of impact-causes and pattern graphic of impact-causes relation., Construction waste in the construction project can not be avoided. This condition
is certainly has an impact to the project cost performance. If construction waste
are not controlled, they can make cost overrun. Therefore, there needs to be an
effort to control construction waste during the proses of construction. Waste
Management Plan is one of the way to control the construction waste. In relation
to the concept of lean construction, Waste Management Plan is expected to not
only focus on the problem of material waste, but also needs to be seen in time
loses, labour productivity and equipment that?s not effective and efficient.
Quesionner used to collect the data from the responden. Data analysis uses
Structural Equation Modeling with tool SmartPLS. The result is shown by the
matrix of impact-causes and pattern graphic of impact-causes relation.]