ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Penggunaan obat hemostatik pada hemoptisis masih kontroversial, sebagian ahli meragukan manfaat obat-obat ini, namun sebaiknya diberikan karena berbagai penelitian menunjukan obat ini berpengaruh pada mekanisme penghentian perdarahan. Untuk efektifitas karbazokrom belum ada penelitian penggunaannya pada pasien hemoptisis.
Tujuan: Mengetahui efektivitas pemberian karbazokrom (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv ditambah vitamin K 3x10 mg iv dan vitamin C 3x200 mg dibanding dengan vitamin K 3x10 mg iv ditambah vitamin C 3x200 mg iv dalam mengontrol batuk darah.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental (uji klinis), randomisasi, tersamar ganda, dilakukan mulai bulan Juli 2012 s/d Desember 2013 di RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta. Kelompok perlakuan mendapat karbazokrom (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv ditambah vitamin K 3x10 mg iv dan vitamin C dan kelompok kontrol mendapatkan vitamin K 3x10 mg iv ditambah vitamin C 3x200 mg iv saja. Dilakukan pengamatan sampai bebas batuk darah 1x24 jam atau maksimal 7 hari.
Hasil: Subjek dalam penelitian ini diperoleh 134 orang dengan rata-rata usia 45 tahun, laki-laki 72,4 %, perempuan 27,6% dan diagnosis terbanyak adalah Tb paru 58% kemudian bekas TB 25%. Kelompok perlakuan batuk darah yang terkontrol 95,7%, sedangkan kelompok kontrol 66,7% dengan nilai p<0.001. Kelompok perlakuan lama perdarahannya lebih singkat rata-rata 2 hari sedangkan kelompok kontrol 4 hari dengan nilai p<0.001. Laju perdarahan pada kelompok perlakuan secara bermakna lebih cepat berkurang jumlah perdarahannya dibandingkan kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p<0.001.Tidak ditemukan efek samping pada kedua kelompok subyek. Biaya obat hemostatik tiap hari dikalikan lama batuk darah lebih besar pada kelompok perlakuan rata-rata Rp172.760,- sedangkan kelompok kontrol Rp 118.400,-.
Kesimpulan: Pemberian karbazokrom (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv ditambah vitamin K 3x10 mg iv dan vitamin C 3x200 mg iv lebih efektif dalam mengontrol batuk darah dibanding dengan vitamin K 3x10 mg iv ditambah vitamin C 3x200 mg iv.
ABSTRACTBackground: Use of hemostatic drugs on hemoptysis remains controversial, some experts doubt the benefits of these drugs, however, it should be given because some research shows these drugs give influence to the mechanisms of haemostasis. There is no research about the effectiveness of carbazochrome for patient with hemoptysis.
Objective: To find out the effectiveness of the provision carbazochrome (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv plus vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv compared with vitamin K 3x10 mg iv plus vitamin C 3x200 mg iv to controlling hemoptysis.
Methods: This study was a randomized double-blind controlled trial conducted from July 2012 until December 2013 in the Persahabatan Hospital of Jakarta. The treatment group received carbazochrome (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv plus vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv, whereas control group obtained vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv only. Observed up to free of hemoptysis 1x24 hours or up to 7 days
Results: Subjects in this study were obtained 134 people with an average age of 45 years, men 72.4%, women 27.6% and is the highest diagnosis of pulmonary Tuberculosis (Tb) 58% and post Tb25%. Treatment group was 95.7% controlled results, whereas the control group 66.7% with p <0.05. Treatment group have shorter bleeding time, on average 2 days, while the control group is 4 days with p< 0.001. The rate of bleeding in the treatment group significantly reduced faster than the control group with p < 0.001. No adverse reactions in the two groups. Hemostatic drug costs per day times hemoptyis long-time was greater in the treatment group average of Rp 172.760,- while the control group Rp 118.400,-
Conclusion: Giving carbazochrome (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv plus vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv more effective to control hemoptysis than vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C3x200 mg iv.;Background: Use of hemostatic drugs on hemoptysis remains controversial, some experts doubt the benefits of these drugs, however, it should be given because some research shows these drugs give influence to the mechanisms of haemostasis. There is no research about the effectiveness of carbazochrome for patient with hemoptysis.
Objective: To find out the effectiveness of the provision carbazochrome (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv plus vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv compared with vitamin K 3x10 mg iv plus vitamin C 3x200 mg iv to controlling hemoptysis.
Methods: This study was a randomized double-blind controlled trial conducted from July 2012 until December 2013 in the Persahabatan Hospital of Jakarta. The treatment group received carbazochrome (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv plus vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv, whereas control group obtained vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv only. Observed up to free of hemoptysis 1x24 hours or up to 7 days
Results: Subjects in this study were obtained 134 people with an average age of 45 years, men 72.4%, women 27.6% and is the highest diagnosis of pulmonary Tuberculosis (Tb) 58% and post Tb25%. Treatment group was 95.7% controlled results, whereas the control group 66.7% with p <0.05. Treatment group have shorter bleeding time, on average 2 days, while the control group is 4 days with p< 0.001. The rate of bleeding in the treatment group significantly reduced faster than the control group with p < 0.001. No adverse reactions in the two groups. Hemostatic drug costs per day times hemoptyis long-time was greater in the treatment group average of Rp 172.760,- while the control group Rp 118.400,-
Conclusion: Giving carbazochrome (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv plus vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv more effective to control hemoptysis than vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C3x200 mg iv., Background: Use of hemostatic drugs on hemoptysis remains controversial, some experts doubt the benefits of these drugs, however, it should be given because some research shows these drugs give influence to the mechanisms of haemostasis. There is no research about the effectiveness of carbazochrome for patient with hemoptysis.
Objective: To find out the effectiveness of the provision carbazochrome (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv plus vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv compared with vitamin K 3x10 mg iv plus vitamin C 3x200 mg iv to controlling hemoptysis.
Methods: This study was a randomized double-blind controlled trial conducted from July 2012 until December 2013 in the Persahabatan Hospital of Jakarta. The treatment group received carbazochrome (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv plus vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv, whereas control group obtained vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv only. Observed up to free of hemoptysis 1x24 hours or up to 7 days
Results: Subjects in this study were obtained 134 people with an average age of 45 years, men 72.4%, women 27.6% and is the highest diagnosis of pulmonary Tuberculosis (Tb) 58% and post Tb25%. Treatment group was 95.7% controlled results, whereas the control group 66.7% with p <0.05. Treatment group have shorter bleeding time, on average 2 days, while the control group is 4 days with p< 0.001. The rate of bleeding in the treatment group significantly reduced faster than the control group with p < 0.001. No adverse reactions in the two groups. Hemostatic drug costs per day times hemoptyis long-time was greater in the treatment group average of Rp 172.760,- while the control group Rp 118.400,-
Conclusion: Giving carbazochrome (cromeR) 3x50 mg iv plus vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C 3x200 mg iv more effective to control hemoptysis than vitamin K 3x10 mg iv and vitamin C3x200 mg iv.]