ABSTRAKKemiskinan merupakan masalah yang kompleks di Indonesia. Perbedaan angka antara kemiskinan desa dan kemiskinan kota juga semakin jauh. Maka itu seluruh pihak mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan tersebut, termasuk Pemerintah Daerah. Pemerintah Daerah sebagai representasi negara dapat menggandeng pihak swasta ataupun BUMN dalam mengentaskan angka kemiskinan. Dalam hal ini, akan dibahas peran BUMN minyak dan gas bumi yaitu PT Pertamina, sebagai salah satu BUMN terbesar di Indonesia. PT Pertamina beroperasi hampir di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia. Salah Satunya adalah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Perbedaan angka kemiskinan desa dan kota di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan juga tinggi. Sehingga, PT Pertamina sebagai BUMN mendapat rekomendasi dari Kementerian BUMN, yaitu ?Gerakan Membangun 1000 Desa? sebagai wujud aksi untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan. Sehingga PT Pertamina membuat Program bernama Mitra Pertamina Penggerak Pembangunan Desa (MP3D). Program ini berangkat dari pemulihan aspek kesehatan, aspek pendidikan, dan aspek ekonomi rakyat. Atas rekomendasi Pemerinta Daerah, lokasi fokus kegiatan dilaksanakan di Desa Cinta Manis Lama. Di Desa ini, terdapat permasalahan air bersih, permasalahan pendidikan PAUD, dan masalah perekonomian terhadap kelompok pengrajin. Maka dari itu, penelitian akan difokuskan kepada evaluasi tingkat keberhasilan program pada setiap kegiatan di dalam program MP3D. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di dalam Program MP3D menunjukkan peningkatan terhadap masing-masing indikator yang diteliti. Walaupun peningkatan tersebut masih memerlukan usaha yang lebih maksimal untuk mewujudkan pengentasan kemiskinan.
ABSTRACTPoverty is a complex issue in Indonesia. Rate difference between rural poverty and urban poverty is also increasingly distant. So that all parties have a responsibility to alleviate poverty, including Local Government. Local Government as a representation of the state can hold private parties or state enterprises in alleviating poverty. In this case, we discuss the role of state-owned enterprises, namely oil and gas company PT Pertamina, as one of the largest state-owned companies in Indonesia. PT Pertamina operates in almost all provinces in Indonesia. One is the only province of South Sumatra. Differences poverty villages and towns in the province of South Sumatra is also high. Thus, PT Pertamina as SOE got a recommendation from the Ministry of Enterprise, namely "Building Movement 1000 Village" as a form of action to reduce poverty. So that PT Pertamina Pertamina making program called Partners Pertamina Driving Rural Development Program (MP3D). The program departs from the recovery aspects of health, educational aspects, and aspects of the economy. Upon the recommendation of Regional Goverment, the location of the focus of the activities carried out in the village of Cinta Manis Lama. In this village, there is a water problem, the problem of early childhood education, and economic problems of the artisans group. The results showed that each of the activities carried out in the MP3D program showed improvement on each of the indicators studied. Although the increase was still require more effort to reduce poverty for maximum result., Poverty is a complex issue in Indonesia. Rate difference between rural poverty and urban poverty is also increasingly distant. So that all parties have a responsibility to alleviate poverty, including Local Government. Local Government as a representation of the state can hold private parties or state enterprises in alleviating poverty. In this case, we discuss the role of state-owned enterprises, namely oil and gas company PT Pertamina, as one of the largest state-owned companies in Indonesia. PT Pertamina operates in almost all provinces in Indonesia. One is the only province of South Sumatra. Differences poverty villages and towns in the province of South Sumatra is also high. Thus, PT Pertamina as SOE got a recommendation from the Ministry of Enterprise, namely "Building Movement 1000 Village" as a form of action to reduce poverty. So that PT Pertamina Pertamina making program called Partners Pertamina Driving Rural Development Program (MP3D). The program departs from the recovery aspects of health, educational aspects, and aspects of the economy. Upon the recommendation of Regional Goverment, the location of the focus of the activities carried out in the village of Cinta Manis Lama. In this village, there is a water problem, the problem of early childhood education, and economic problems of the artisans group. The results showed that each of the activities carried out in the MP3D program showed improvement on each of the indicators studied. Although the increase was still require more effort to reduce poverty for maximum result.]