ABSTRAKKetahanan pangan berkaitan dengan produktivitas tanaman padi. Permasalahan utama
yang dihadapi pada saat ini adalah masih rendahnya produktivitas padi. Tesis ini bertujuan
untuk mengkaji peranan subsidi benih padi dan subsidi pupuk dalam meningkatkan produksi
dan produktivitas tanaman padi dan mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi luas panen
padi, produktivitas padi, harga beras, dan konsumsi beras dan impor beras di Indonesia tahun
1985 - 2012. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan persamaan simultan. Hasilnya
menunjukkan bahwa luas panen padi secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh curah hujan (+) dan
kredit usaha tani (+), produktivitas padi secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh harga beras (+),
subsidi pupuk urea (+), dan produktivitas padi tahun sebelumnya (+), konsumsi beras secara
signifikan dipengaruhi oleh konsumsi beras tahun sebelumnya (+), harga beras secara
signifikan dipengaruhi oleh produksi padi (+) dan harga beras tahun sebelumnya (+), dan
impor beras secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh harga beras (+).
ABSTRACTFood Security is a condition related to paddy productivity. Recently, one of major issues
faced by Indonesian Farmers is low paddy productivity. Hence, the main objective of this
thesis is to examine the impact of seed and fertilizer subsidies to paddy productivity.
Moreover, this thesis also try to analyze some factors that affect harvest area, paddy
productivity, the price of rice, and rice consumption as well as imported rice in Indonesia
during 1985-2012. Data analyzed by using simultaneous equations. The results showed that
the rice harvested area is significantly influenced by precipitation (+ and farm credit (+),
paddy productivity is significantly influenced by the rice price (+) , fertilizer subsidy (urea),
and the paddy productivity in previous year (+), rice consumption is significantly influenced
by the rice consumption in previous year (+), the price of riceis significantly influenced by
the production of paddy (+) and rice prices in previous year (+), and rice imports are
significantly influenced by the price of rice (+).;Food Security is a condition related to paddy productivity. Recently, one of major issues
faced by Indonesian Farmers is low paddy productivity. Hence, the main objective of this
thesis is to examine the impact of seed and fertilizer subsidies to paddy productivity.
Moreover, this thesis also try to analyze some factors that affect harvest area, paddy
productivity, the price of rice, and rice consumption as well as imported rice in Indonesia
during 1985-2012. Data analyzed by using simultaneous equations. The results showed that
the rice harvested area is significantly influenced by precipitation (+ and farm credit (+),
paddy productivity is significantly influenced by the rice price (+) , fertilizer subsidy (urea),
and the paddy productivity in previous year (+), rice consumption is significantly influenced
by the rice consumption in previous year (+), the price of riceis significantly influenced by
the production of paddy (+) and rice prices in previous year (+), and rice imports are
significantly influenced by the price of rice (+).;Food Security is a condition related to paddy productivity. Recently, one of major issues
faced by Indonesian Farmers is low paddy productivity. Hence, the main objective of this
thesis is to examine the impact of seed and fertilizer subsidies to paddy productivity.
Moreover, this thesis also try to analyze some factors that affect harvest area, paddy
productivity, the price of rice, and rice consumption as well as imported rice in Indonesia
during 1985-2012. Data analyzed by using simultaneous equations. The results showed that
the rice harvested area is significantly influenced by precipitation (+ and farm credit (+),
paddy productivity is significantly influenced by the rice price (+) , fertilizer subsidy (urea),
and the paddy productivity in previous year (+), rice consumption is significantly influenced
by the rice consumption in previous year (+), the price of riceis significantly influenced by
the production of paddy (+) and rice prices in previous year (+), and rice imports are
significantly influenced by the price of rice (+)., Food Security is a condition related to paddy productivity. Recently, one of major issues
faced by Indonesian Farmers is low paddy productivity. Hence, the main objective of this
thesis is to examine the impact of seed and fertilizer subsidies to paddy productivity.
Moreover, this thesis also try to analyze some factors that affect harvest area, paddy
productivity, the price of rice, and rice consumption as well as imported rice in Indonesia
during 1985-2012. Data analyzed by using simultaneous equations. The results showed that
the rice harvested area is significantly influenced by precipitation (+ and farm credit (+),
paddy productivity is significantly influenced by the rice price (+) , fertilizer subsidy (urea),
and the paddy productivity in previous year (+), rice consumption is significantly influenced
by the rice consumption in previous year (+), the price of riceis significantly influenced by
the production of paddy (+) and rice prices in previous year (+), and rice imports are
significantly influenced by the price of rice (+).]