Pertumbuhan demand terhadap layanan satelit di Indonesia selama satu tauhun terakhir meningkat sebesar 28 persen. Telkom, sebagai operator satelit lokal terbesar di Indonesia, sudah tidak dapat melayani permintaan tersebut akibat keterbatasan kapasitas yang hanya bersumber dari 2 satelit yang dimiliki. Di sisi lain, operator-operator satelit asing mulai masuk dan siap merebut pasar nasional. Dalam 10 tahun terakhir, persentase market share operator-operator asing di Indonesia terus meningkat hingga saat ini telah mencapai 30 persen dari total market. Menghadapi kondisi tersebut, Telkom berupaya untuk meningkatkan value bisnis satelitnya melalui kerjasama joint venture dengan operator asing tersebut. Kerjasama semacam ini akan memungkinkan Telkom memperoleh slot orbit baru sebagai resource utama pembangunan sebuah satelit serta membuka jalan untuk melakukan ekspansi bisnis ke luar negeri. Penelitian ini akan menganalisis bentuk joint venture terbaik dari sisi finansial, market, risiko, time to setup, serta tingkat national pride. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan value bisnis satelit paling optimal diperoleh melalui joint venture dengan shared assets yang terdiri atas 3 slot orbit.
Since last year, the growth of satellite demand has been increasing 28 percent. Telkom, as the biggest satellite operator in Indonesia, is no longer capable to fulfill such request due to the limited capacity from two satellites of its own. On the other hand, satellite operators from other countries has started to enter and ready to take portion in national market. In the last ten years, the percentage of those foreign operators has been increasing up to 30 percent from the total national market share. Dealing with such condition, Telkom is trying to increase the value of its satellite business through joint venture with foreign operator. This kind of cooperation will give an opportunity for Telkom to get new orbital slot, the main resource for satellite development and, at the same time, will open the way for business expansion. This research will analyze the best form of joint venture from financial, market, risk, time to setup, and national pride aspects. As the result, joint venture with shared-assets consists of 3 orbital slot will give the most optimum value of satellite business.