ABSTRAKRemaja Kecamatan Cilacap Tengah cenderung rnengkonsumsi rninuman keras.
Tujuan penelitian mengetahui hubungan peran keluarga dengan konsumsi
minuman keras pada rernaja. Penelitian analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross
sectional. Jumlah responden 87 responden dengan total sampling. Data diambil
dengan kuesioner dan analisis regresi linier. Hasil penelitian rnenjelaskan bahwa
konsumsi rninuman keras pada rernaja akan berkurang apabila peran keluarganya
baik. Hasil analisa regresi linier berganda dengan uji Anova (uji f) dengan p value
= 0,001 (a < 0,05). Disimpulkan kecilnya peran keluarga dapat rneningkatkan
konsumsi rninuman keras rernaja;
ABSTRACTAdolescents in Cilacap Tengah district tend to consume alcohol. This research
aimed to determine the relationships between the role of family and peers and
consumption of alcohol among adolescents. The research design was analytic
correlation with cross-sectional approach. A total sample of 87 respondents were
participated in this study. The data was collected using questionnaire and analyzed
using regression linier test. The results showed that the amount of alcohol
consumption in adolescents reduced when the role of family improved. Multiple
regression linear analysis or ANOVA test (F test) showed p value= 0.001 (p value
< 0.05). This research concludes that when family could not demonstrate the roles
properly, it will likely to result in higher alcohol consumption among adolescent;Adolescents in Cilacap Tengah district tend to consume alcohol. This research
aimed to determine the relationships between the role of family and peers and
consumption of alcohol among adolescents. The research design was analytic
correlation with cross-sectional approach. A total sample of 87 respondents were
participated in this study. The data was collected using questionnaire and analyzed
using regression linier test. The results showed that the amount of alcohol
consumption in adolescents reduced when the role of family improved. Multiple
regression linear analysis or ANOVA test (F test) showed p value= 0.001 (p value
< 0.05). This research concludes that when family could not demonstrate the roles
properly, it will likely to result in higher alcohol consumption among adolescent;Adolescents in Cilacap Tengah district tend to consume alcohol. This research
aimed to determine the relationships between the role of family and peers and
consumption of alcohol among adolescents. The research design was analytic
correlation with cross-sectional approach. A total sample of 87 respondents were
participated in this study. The data was collected using questionnaire and analyzed
using regression linier test. The results showed that the amount of alcohol
consumption in adolescents reduced when the role of family improved. Multiple
regression linear analysis or ANOVA test (F test) showed p value= 0.001 (p value
< 0.05). This research concludes that when family could not demonstrate the roles
properly, it will likely to result in higher alcohol consumption among adolescent, Adolescents in Cilacap Tengah district tend to consume alcohol. This research
aimed to determine the relationships between the role of family and peers and
consumption of alcohol among adolescents. The research design was analytic
correlation with cross-sectional approach. A total sample of 87 respondents were
participated in this study. The data was collected using questionnaire and analyzed
using regression linier test. The results showed that the amount of alcohol
consumption in adolescents reduced when the role of family improved. Multiple
regression linear analysis or ANOVA test (F test) showed p value= 0.001 (p value
< 0.05). This research concludes that when family could not demonstrate the roles
properly, it will likely to result in higher alcohol consumption among adolescent]