ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Barodontalgia adalah nyeri gigi yang disebabkan oleh
perubahan tekanan udara lingkungan dan dapat terjadi pada penerbang yang mengalami perubahan tekanan udara saat fase terbang. Barodontalgia merupakan gejala perkembangan dari kondisi patologis gigi yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan kondisi patologis karies dentin, pulpitis, nekrosis, periodontitis apikalis, restorasi rusak, serta impaksi molar ketiga dengan
kejadian barodontalgia pada penerbang sipil Indonesia. Metode: Cross-sectional, subjek dipilih non-random yang memiliki kondisi patologis. Pemeriksaan klinis dan kuesioner diberikan pada 210 subjek. Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Dua puluh lima subjek (12,3%) dari 204 subjek mengalami barodontalgia. Kondisi patologis yang berhubungan dengan barodontalgia adalah pulpitis;
ABSTRACTBackground: Barodontalgia is a tooth pain caused by changes in ambient barometric pressure and could affected a pilot. Barodontalgia is a symptom of pre-existing pathological condition of tooth. Aim: To analyze the relationship of pathological conditions dentine caries, pulpitis, pulp necrosis, apical periodontitis, defective tooth restoration, and impacted third molars with barodontalgia on Indonesian civilian pilots. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Selected non-random,
based on dental pathological conditions. Clinical examination and questionnaire were given to 210 subjects. Results and Summary: Twenty five (12,3%) from 204 subjects experienced barodontalgia. Pathological condition that has significant relationship with barodontalgia is pulpitis;Background: Barodontalgia is a tooth pain caused by changes in ambient
barometric pressure and could affected a pilot. Barodontalgia is a symptom of
pre-existing pathological condition of tooth. Aim: To analyze the relationship of
pathological conditions dentine caries, pulpitis, pulp necrosis, apical periodontitis,
defective tooth restoration, and impacted third molars with barodontalgia on
Indonesian civilian pilots. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Selected non-random,
based on dental pathological conditions. Clinical examination and questionnaire
were given to 210 subjects. Results and Summary: Twenty five (12,3%) from
204 subjects experienced barodontalgia. Pathological condition that has
significant relationship with barodontalgia is pulpitis;Background: Barodontalgia is a tooth pain caused by changes in ambient
barometric pressure and could affected a pilot. Barodontalgia is a symptom of
pre-existing pathological condition of tooth. Aim: To analyze the relationship of
pathological conditions dentine caries, pulpitis, pulp necrosis, apical periodontitis,
defective tooth restoration, and impacted third molars with barodontalgia on
Indonesian civilian pilots. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Selected non-random,
based on dental pathological conditions. Clinical examination and questionnaire
were given to 210 subjects. Results and Summary: Twenty five (12,3%) from
204 subjects experienced barodontalgia. Pathological condition that has
significant relationship with barodontalgia is pulpitis;Background: Barodontalgia is a tooth pain caused by changes in ambient
barometric pressure and could affected a pilot. Barodontalgia is a symptom of
pre-existing pathological condition of tooth. Aim: To analyze the relationship of
pathological conditions dentine caries, pulpitis, pulp necrosis, apical periodontitis,
defective tooth restoration, and impacted third molars with barodontalgia on
Indonesian civilian pilots. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Selected non-random,
based on dental pathological conditions. Clinical examination and questionnaire
were given to 210 subjects. Results and Summary: Twenty five (12,3%) from
204 subjects experienced barodontalgia. Pathological condition that has
significant relationship with barodontalgia is pulpitis;Background: Barodontalgia is a tooth pain caused by changes in ambient
barometric pressure and could affected a pilot. Barodontalgia is a symptom of
pre-existing pathological condition of tooth. Aim: To analyze the relationship of
pathological conditions dentine caries, pulpitis, pulp necrosis, apical periodontitis,
defective tooth restoration, and impacted third molars with barodontalgia on
Indonesian civilian pilots. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Selected non-random,
based on dental pathological conditions. Clinical examination and questionnaire
were given to 210 subjects. Results and Summary: Twenty five (12,3%) from
204 subjects experienced barodontalgia. Pathological condition that has
significant relationship with barodontalgia is pulpitis, Background: Barodontalgia is a tooth pain caused by changes in ambient
barometric pressure and could affected a pilot. Barodontalgia is a symptom of
pre-existing pathological condition of tooth. Aim: To analyze the relationship of
pathological conditions dentine caries, pulpitis, pulp necrosis, apical periodontitis,
defective tooth restoration, and impacted third molars with barodontalgia on
Indonesian civilian pilots. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Selected non-random,
based on dental pathological conditions. Clinical examination and questionnaire
were given to 210 subjects. Results and Summary: Twenty five (12,3%) from
204 subjects experienced barodontalgia. Pathological condition that has
significant relationship with barodontalgia is pulpitis]