ABSTRAKPenelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah krisis di Amerika Serikat
(AS) tahun 2008 berdampak pada industri properti di Indonesia. Hal ini dilakukan
dengan cara menganalisis faktor financial constraints pada perusahaan sektor
property, real estate and building construction yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek
Indonesia sebelum tahun 2003 terhadap investasi yang dilakukan. Faktor financial
constraints yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa arus kas investasi dan
modal saham, penyaluran utang bank, pertumbuhan penjualan dan beta
perusahaan. Selain itu, digunakan pula asset tangibility sebagai proksi untuk
menentukan financial constraints yang dihadapi perusahaan dengan menggunakan
regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa arus kas investasi
memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan marjinal terhadap investasi yang
dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah krisis di AS. Selain itu, beta perusahaan juga
mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan marjinal terhadap investasi yang
dilakukan sesudah krisis. Asset tangibility tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap
investasi baik yang dilakukan sebelum maupun sesudah krisis;
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to find out the effects of the United States (U.S)
crisis in 2008 to the property industry in Indonesia. The research to analyze the
financial constraints investment of the companies in the property, real estate and
building construction sector. The financial constraints that have been used in this
research are cash flow from investing, capital stock, ratio bank debt, sales growth,
beta for property industry, including asset tangibility. This research uses multiple
regressions of all companies in property, real estate and building construction
industry that listed in BEI before 2003. The result shows the effect of cash flow
from investing activity was marginally positive significant to investment activity
that made before and after U.S crisis. On the other hand, beta from company only
showed the effect after the crisis. Asset tangibility shows there is no effect to
investment activity that made before and after crisis;The purpose of this research is to find out the effects of the United States (U.S)
crisis in 2008 to the property industry in Indonesia. The research to analyze the
financial constraints investment of the companies in the property, real estate and
building construction sector. The financial constraints that have been used in this
research are cash flow from investing, capital stock, ratio bank debt, sales growth,
beta for property industry, including asset tangibility. This research uses multiple
regressions of all companies in property, real estate and building construction
industry that listed in BEI before 2003. The result shows the effect of cash flow
from investing activity was marginally positive significant to investment activity
that made before and after U.S crisis. On the other hand, beta from company only
showed the effect after the crisis. Asset tangibility shows there is no effect to
investment activity that made before and after crisis, The purpose of this research is to find out the effects of the United States (U.S)
crisis in 2008 to the property industry in Indonesia. The research to analyze the
financial constraints investment of the companies in the property, real estate and
building construction sector. The financial constraints that have been used in this
research are cash flow from investing, capital stock, ratio bank debt, sales growth,
beta for property industry, including asset tangibility. This research uses multiple
regressions of all companies in property, real estate and building construction
industry that listed in BEI before 2003. The result shows the effect of cash flow
from investing activity was marginally positive significant to investment activity
that made before and after U.S crisis. On the other hand, beta from company only
showed the effect after the crisis. Asset tangibility shows there is no effect to
investment activity that made before and after crisis]