ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengkaji al-mu'allaqah karya Zuhair Ibn Abi Sulma, sebuah
susunan puisi lirik Arab (syi?r ghinâ`î) dari zaman pra-Islam. Dengan
menggunakan pendekatan naratif, penulis membuktikan bahwa bentuk lirik
mu'allaqah Zuhair tidak semata bersifat liris, melainkan membawa gagasan naratif
melalui kehadiran struktur kisahan (story structure) yang mengikat setiap larik
puisi ini di dalam satu pengaluran. Penelitian ini menguatkan pandangan Hühn
(2004; 2010) bahwa pendekatakan naratif dapat dimanfaatkan untuk
menghasilkan interpretasi baru terhadap sajak-sajak lirik lama.
ABSTRACTThe research is on pre-Islamic Arabic lyric poetry al-mu'allaqah by Zuhair Ibn
Abi Sulma. By using two conceptual approaches, textuality and narrativity, this
paper tries to reveal what so called ?story structure? as the manifestation of
narrativity in the poetic text. This paper proves that narratological approach to
lyric poetry is valuable in dicovering new aspects of an old poem.;The research is on pre-Islamic Arabic lyric poetry al-mu'allaqah by Zuhair Ibn
Abi Sulma. By using two conceptual approaches, textuality and narrativity, this
paper tries to reveal what so called ?story structure? as the manifestation of
narrativity in the poetic text. This paper proves that narratological approach to
lyric poetry is valuable in dicovering new aspects of an old poem.;The research is on pre-Islamic Arabic lyric poetry al-mu'allaqah by Zuhair Ibn
Abi Sulma. By using two conceptual approaches, textuality and narrativity, this
paper tries to reveal what so called ?story structure? as the manifestation of
narrativity in the poetic text. This paper proves that narratological approach to
lyric poetry is valuable in dicovering new aspects of an old poem., The research is on pre-Islamic Arabic lyric poetry al-mu'allaqah by Zuhair Ibn
Abi Sulma. By using two conceptual approaches, textuality and narrativity, this
paper tries to reveal what so called ?story structure? as the manifestation of
narrativity in the poetic text. This paper proves that narratological approach to
lyric poetry is valuable in dicovering new aspects of an old poem.]