[Kendo adalah salah satu dari banyak bela diri tradisional dari Jepang yang bernama Budo. Kendo (剣道) terdiri dari dua kanji yaitu kanji ken (剣) yang berarti pedang dan dou (道) yang berarti jalan. Secara etimologi, kendo berarti ?Jalan Pedang?.
Berbeda dengan olahraga pada umumnya, kendo tidak hanya menitik-beratkan pada pembentukan fisik, namun juga pembentukan kepribadian. Kendo saat ini tidak hanya
ada pada Jepang saja, namun juga sudah mulai dikenal oleh seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Hal yang unik adalah, pengajaran-pengajaran untuk pembentukan
kepribadian yang dibawa oleh kendo masih berpegang teguh pada budaya dan cara Jepang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah penulis ingin mengetahui bagaimana
perkembangan kendo di Indonesia, kesulitan apa yang menghambat kendoka Indonesia untuk menerima pengajaran tersebut, serta untuk mengetahui manfaat yang
didapatkan oleh para kendoka Indonesia setelah lama mengikuti pelatihan kendo.
Penulis juga ingin menunjukan kenyataan tentang falsafah bushido yang selama ini diagung-agungkan oleh kebanyakan orang selain orang Jepang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kepustakaan dan wawancara;Kendo is one of many Japanese traditional martial arts named Budou. Kendo (剣道) is formed by two kanji characters. They are Ken (剣), which means ?sword?, and Dou (道), which means ?way?. Therefore, etymologically, kendo means ?The Way of Sword?. Kendo is not just only paying attention at physical improvement, but also
paying attention on personality improvement o. Today, kendo exists not only in Japan,
but also worldwide, including Indonesia. There is one special thing about kendo. For the teachings of improvement of personality, kendo still applies Japan?s culture and
ways. The purposes of this research is to know about kendo growth in Indonesia, the
troubles that appear in Indonesian?s kendoka learning philosophy, and also to know
the impact on Indonesia kendoka after joining kendo?s exercises after a certain
amount of time. Researcher also want to show to other
ABSTRACTpeople about the reality of
bushido, which is adored by most of non-Japanese people. This research is a qualitative research. applies literature study, and interview methods.;Kendo is one of many Japanese traditional martial arts named Budou. Kendo (剣道) is formed by two kanji characters. They are Ken (剣), which means “sword”, and Dou (道), which means “way”. Therefore, etymologically, kendo means “The Way of Sword”. Kendo is not just only paying attention at physical improvement, but also
paying attention on personality improvement o. Today, kendo exists not only in Japan,
but also worldwide, including Indonesia. There is one special thing about kendo. For the teachings of improvement of personality, kendo still applies Japan’s culture and
ways. The purposes of this research is to know about kendo growth in Indonesia, the
troubles that appear in Indonesian’s kendoka learning philosophy, and also to know
the impact on Indonesia kendoka after joining kendo’s exercises after a certain
amount of time. Researcher also want to show to other people about the reality of
bushido, which is adored by most of non-Japanese people. This research is a qualitative research. applies literature study, and interview methods, Kendo is one of many Japanese traditional martial arts named Budou. Kendo (剣道) is formed by two kanji characters. They are Ken (剣), which means “sword”, and Dou (道), which means “way”. Therefore, etymologically, kendo means “The Way of Sword”. Kendo is not just only paying attention at physical improvement, but also
paying attention on personality improvement o. Today, kendo exists not only in Japan,
but also worldwide, including Indonesia. There is one special thing about kendo. For the teachings of improvement of personality, kendo still applies Japan’s culture and
ways. The purposes of this research is to know about kendo growth in Indonesia, the
troubles that appear in Indonesian’s kendoka learning philosophy, and also to know
the impact on Indonesia kendoka after joining kendo’s exercises after a certain
amount of time. Researcher also want to show to other people about the reality of
bushido, which is adored by most of non-Japanese people. This research is a qualitative research. applies literature study, and interview methods]