Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi calon pegawai negeri sipil di Kementerian Sekretariat Negara selama masa moratorium Tahun 2012 dan menganalisis kendala-kendala yang dihadapi sehingga Kementerian Sekretariat Negara belum sepenuhnya melakukan 4 (empat) hal yang diwajibkan selama masa moratorium. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan pospositivis. Analisis evaluasi pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi calon pegawai negeri sipil dilakukan menggunakan model Context Evaluation, Input Evaluation, Process Evaluation, dan Product Evaluation. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi terhadap konteks dan proses menunjukkan hasil baik dan memadai. Namun, evaluasi terhadap input dan produk menunjukkan hasil kurang baik.
This thesis is aimed to analyze the recruitment and the selection of new civil servants by the Ministry of State Secretariat in the period of the 2012 moratorium and to analyze the obstacles which hinder the Ministry of State Secretariat from performing the four actions completely as required in the moratorium period. This research is a descriptive one using post-positivism approach. The analysis of the evaluation of the recruitment and the selection of new civil servants is conducted using models named Context Evaluation, Input Evaluation, Process Evaluation, and Product Evaluation. The results of those evaluations show that context and process evaluations yield good and sufficient results, while input and product evaluations yield unsatisfactory results.