ABSTRAKPenyimpangan perilaku seksual remaja menimbulkan kehamilan remaja
meningkat. Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran hubungan tingkat
kemandirian keluarga dalam pencegahan penyimpangan perilaku seksual remaja
dengan kejadian kehamilan remaja. Desain penelitian descriptive correlational
secara cross sectional. Responden 185 keluarga dengan anak remaja perempuan.
menggunakan probability sampling. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat hubungan
tingkat kemandirian keluarga memberikan kebebasan seimbang dan bertanggung
jawab serta memelihara komunikasi terbuka dalam pencegahan penyimpangan
perilaku seksual remaja dengan kejadian kehamilan remaja. Penelitian
merekomendasikan perlu kebebasan seimbang dan bertanggungjawab serta
komunikasi terbuka dalam keluarga untuk mencegah penyimpangan perilaku
seksual remaja yang berdampak kehamilan remaja;
ABSTRACTThe problem of sexual misbehavior has led to the increase in unwanted teenage
pregnancy. This study aimed to the description of the relationships between the
level of family independence and the prevention of adolescent sexual misbehavior
with the incident of teenage pregnancy. The study cross sectional descriptive
correlational design. A number of 185 families who have female teenager were
involved in the study. The respondents were selected through probability
sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationships
between the level of independence of the family in the prevention of adolescent
sexual misbehavior with the incidence of teenage pregnancy. This study
recommends the need for a balanced and responsible freedom and open
communication within the family to prevent deviation adolescent sexual behavior
that could impact on teenage pregnancy.;The problem of sexual misbehavior has led to the increase in unwanted teenage
pregnancy. This study aimed to the description of the relationships between the
level of family independence and the prevention of adolescent sexual misbehavior
with the incident of teenage pregnancy. The study cross sectional descriptive
correlational design. A number of 185 families who have female teenager were
involved in the study. The respondents were selected through probability
sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationships
between the level of independence of the family in the prevention of adolescent
sexual misbehavior with the incidence of teenage pregnancy. This study
recommends the need for a balanced and responsible freedom and open
communication within the family to prevent deviation adolescent sexual behavior
that could impact on teenage pregnancy.;The problem of sexual misbehavior has led to the increase in unwanted teenage
pregnancy. This study aimed to the description of the relationships between the
level of family independence and the prevention of adolescent sexual misbehavior
with the incident of teenage pregnancy. The study cross sectional descriptive
correlational design. A number of 185 families who have female teenager were
involved in the study. The respondents were selected through probability
sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationships
between the level of independence of the family in the prevention of adolescent
sexual misbehavior with the incidence of teenage pregnancy. This study
recommends the need for a balanced and responsible freedom and open
communication within the family to prevent deviation adolescent sexual behavior
that could impact on teenage pregnancy., The problem of sexual misbehavior has led to the increase in unwanted teenage
pregnancy. This study aimed to the description of the relationships between the
level of family independence and the prevention of adolescent sexual misbehavior
with the incident of teenage pregnancy. The study cross sectional descriptive
correlational design. A number of 185 families who have female teenager were
involved in the study. The respondents were selected through probability
sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationships
between the level of independence of the family in the prevention of adolescent
sexual misbehavior with the incidence of teenage pregnancy. This study
recommends the need for a balanced and responsible freedom and open
communication within the family to prevent deviation adolescent sexual behavior
that could impact on teenage pregnancy.]