ABSTRAKSetelah kekalahan Jepang Perang Dunia II, pembangunan Jepang dibidang
militer dihentikan dan dipaksa oleh Amerika Serikat untuk fokus hanya pada
pertahanan diri. Namun awal abad ke-21, perubahan situasi keamanan dan politik
di wilayah seperti China dan Korea Utara telah mendorong Jepang untuk
meningkatkan kapasitas dan kemampuan armada militernya. Dalam meningkatkan
kapabilitas militer, Jepang melihat Indonesia sebagai negara militer terbesar di
Asia Tenggara kemudian mengadakan kerjasama dalam bidang militer.
Di bidang pertahanan, Jepang telah menjadi salah satu mitra Indonesia
dalam pembangunan kapabilitas pertahanan dan peningkatan profesionalitas
prajurit TNI. Indonesia dan Jepang juga mengembangkan kerjasama pendidikan,
antara lain pertukaran perwira untuk mengikuti pendidikan pengembangan,
pendidikan dan latihan (diklat), pertukaran kunjungan pejabat tinggi pertahanan
dan militer Jepang dan Indonesia.
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai hubungan Jepang dan Indonesia dalam
bidang militer. Jepang dalam ekspansi militernya melihat perkembangan Cina dan
Korea Utara khususnya ketegangan di wilayah Laut Cina Selatan. Jepang juga
melihat potensi yang dimiliki oleh negara-negara Asia Tenggara khususnya
Indonesia yang diyakini oleh pihak Jepang sebagai salah satu negara yang akan
berperan besar menjaga keamanan wilayah Asia Tenggara yang juga penting bagi
banyak negara maju dari seluruh dunia.
ABSTRACTAfter Japan's defeat of World War II, the Japanese development of
military field stopped and forced by the United States to focus solely on selfdefense.
But the early 21st century, conversion of the security and political
situation in China and North Korea have been encouraging Japan to improve its
military and fleet capacity and capability. By
enhancing military capability, Japan saw Indonesia as the largest army in
Southeast Asia and entered into military cooperation of Japan-Indonesia later.
Japan Self-Defense forces (JSDF) has been developing a global
partnership for development of Indonesian defense capabilities
and professionalization of Indonesian national armed forces, furthermore,
conducting other field cooperations such as military personnel exchange,
education and training, military-to-military cooperation and exercises, disaster
response, and exchange of visits between high-ranking military officers.
This research discusses the military relationship of Japan and Indonesia
in the military field. Japan's military expansion saw the development
of China and North Korea especially the tension in South China Sea Region.
Japan also saw the potential possessed by Southeast Asian countries particularly
Indonesia, which is believed by the Japanese as one of the Southeast Asian
countries that played a major role that was able to maintaining Southeast Asia
security.;After Japan's defeat of World War II, the Japanese development of
military field stopped and forced by the United States to focus solely on selfdefense.
But the early 21st century, conversion of the security and political
situation in China and North Korea have been encouraging Japan to improve its
military and fleet capacity and capability. By
enhancing military capability, Japan saw Indonesia as the largest army in
Southeast Asia and entered into military cooperation of Japan-Indonesia later.
Japan Self-Defense forces (JSDF) has been developing a global
partnership for development of Indonesian defense capabilities
and professionalization of Indonesian national armed forces, furthermore,
conducting other field cooperations such as military personnel exchange,
education and training, military-to-military cooperation and exercises, disaster
response, and exchange of visits between high-ranking military officers.
This research discusses the military relationship of Japan and Indonesia
in the military field. Japan's military expansion saw the development
of China and North Korea especially the tension in South China Sea Region.
Japan also saw the potential possessed by Southeast Asian countries particularly
Indonesia, which is believed by the Japanese as one of the Southeast Asian
countries that played a major role that was able to maintaining Southeast Asia
security.;After Japan's defeat of World War II, the Japanese development of
military field stopped and forced by the United States to focus solely on selfdefense.
But the early 21st century, conversion of the security and political
situation in China and North Korea have been encouraging Japan to improve its
military and fleet capacity and capability. By
enhancing military capability, Japan saw Indonesia as the largest army in
Southeast Asia and entered into military cooperation of Japan-Indonesia later.
Japan Self-Defense forces (JSDF) has been developing a global
partnership for development of Indonesian defense capabilities
and professionalization of Indonesian national armed forces, furthermore,
conducting other field cooperations such as military personnel exchange,
education and training, military-to-military cooperation and exercises, disaster
response, and exchange of visits between high-ranking military officers.
This research discusses the military relationship of Japan and Indonesia
in the military field. Japan's military expansion saw the development
of China and North Korea especially the tension in South China Sea Region.
Japan also saw the potential possessed by Southeast Asian countries particularly
Indonesia, which is believed by the Japanese as one of the Southeast Asian
countries that played a major role that was able to maintaining Southeast Asia
security.;After Japan's defeat of World War II, the Japanese development of
military field stopped and forced by the United States to focus solely on selfdefense.
But the early 21st century, conversion of the security and political
situation in China and North Korea have been encouraging Japan to improve its
military and fleet capacity and capability. By
enhancing military capability, Japan saw Indonesia as the largest army in
Southeast Asia and entered into military cooperation of Japan-Indonesia later.
Japan Self-Defense forces (JSDF) has been developing a global
partnership for development of Indonesian defense capabilities
and professionalization of Indonesian national armed forces, furthermore,
conducting other field cooperations such as military personnel exchange,
education and training, military-to-military cooperation and exercises, disaster
response, and exchange of visits between high-ranking military officers.
This research discusses the military relationship of Japan and Indonesia
in the military field. Japan's military expansion saw the development
of China and North Korea especially the tension in South China Sea Region.
Japan also saw the potential possessed by Southeast Asian countries particularly
Indonesia, which is believed by the Japanese as one of the Southeast Asian
countries that played a major role that was able to maintaining Southeast Asia
security.;After Japan's defeat of World War II, the Japanese development of
military field stopped and forced by the United States to focus solely on selfdefense.
But the early 21st century, conversion of the security and political
situation in China and North Korea have been encouraging Japan to improve its
military and fleet capacity and capability. By
enhancing military capability, Japan saw Indonesia as the largest army in
Southeast Asia and entered into military cooperation of Japan-Indonesia later.
Japan Self-Defense forces (JSDF) has been developing a global
partnership for development of Indonesian defense capabilities
and professionalization of Indonesian national armed forces, furthermore,
conducting other field cooperations such as military personnel exchange,
education and training, military-to-military cooperation and exercises, disaster
response, and exchange of visits between high-ranking military officers.
This research discusses the military relationship of Japan and Indonesia
in the military field. Japan's military expansion saw the development
of China and North Korea especially the tension in South China Sea Region.
Japan also saw the potential possessed by Southeast Asian countries particularly
Indonesia, which is believed by the Japanese as one of the Southeast Asian
countries that played a major role that was able to maintaining Southeast Asia
security., After Japan's defeat of World War II, the Japanese development of
military field stopped and forced by the United States to focus solely on selfdefense.
But the early 21st century, conversion of the security and political
situation in China and North Korea have been encouraging Japan to improve its
military and fleet capacity and capability. By
enhancing military capability, Japan saw Indonesia as the largest army in
Southeast Asia and entered into military cooperation of Japan-Indonesia later.
Japan Self-Defense forces (JSDF) has been developing a global
partnership for development of Indonesian defense capabilities
and professionalization of Indonesian national armed forces, furthermore,
conducting other field cooperations such as military personnel exchange,
education and training, military-to-military cooperation and exercises, disaster
response, and exchange of visits between high-ranking military officers.
This research discusses the military relationship of Japan and Indonesia
in the military field. Japan's military expansion saw the development
of China and North Korea especially the tension in South China Sea Region.
Japan also saw the potential possessed by Southeast Asian countries particularly
Indonesia, which is believed by the Japanese as one of the Southeast Asian
countries that played a major role that was able to maintaining Southeast Asia