ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Amelogenin merupakan gen yang umum digunakan dalam
identifikasi dimorfisme seksual, namun riset dan laporan kasus melaporkan
adanya kegagalan dalam amplifikasi dikarenakan delesi pada AMELY. Tujuan:
Menganalisis frekuensi delesi AMELY pada populasi pria di Indonesia. Metode:
Pemeriksaan DNA dengan amplifikasi multipleks PCR menggunakan gen AMXY
1F/2R dan SRY. Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Satu dari 405 sampel penelitian
mengalami delesi pada gen AMELY pada populasi di Indonesia.
ABSTRACTBackground:The Amelogenin gene represents the gender marker most widely
used for human identification. However, some failures in sex-typing have been
observed globally. Aim: In this study, we could approximate the population
frequency of AMELY negative among Indonesian population. Methods:
Multiplex PCR using primers AMXLY 1F/2R and SRY. Results and Summary:
One of 405 sample are indicated as AMELY negative in an Indonesian Population.;Background:The Amelogenin gene represents the gender marker most widely
used for human identification. However, some failures in sex-typing have been
observed globally. Aim: In this study, we could approximate the population
frequency of AMELY negative among Indonesian population. Methods:
Multiplex PCR using primers AMXLY 1F/2R and SRY. Results and Summary:
One of 405 sample are indicated as AMELY negative in an Indonesian Population, Background:The Amelogenin gene represents the gender marker most widely
used for human identification. However, some failures in sex-typing have been
observed globally. Aim: In this study, we could approximate the population
frequency of AMELY negative among Indonesian population. Methods:
Multiplex PCR using primers AMXLY 1F/2R and SRY. Results and Summary:
One of 405 sample are indicated as AMELY negative in an Indonesian Population]