ABSTRAKLembaga swadaya masyarakat dalam melakukan pengawasan dan penilaian
kinerja program sosial pemerintah harus lebih inovatif. Langkah inovatif yang
Yayasan Pengkajian Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (YKPM) pilih adalah penggunaan
pendekatan audit sosial dalam melakukan penilaian kinerja program sosial
IASMO Bebas Pemko Makassar. Audit sosial adalah suatu proses untuk
memahami dan mengukur kinerja lembaga dan program (institusional and
program performances) dari aspek sosial dan tidak termasuk aspek keuangan.
Secara praktis, audit sosial merupakan suatu kegiatan pemantauan yang sistematis
dan memuat pandangan stakeholders secara demokratis atas kinerja lembaga atau
ABSTRACTNon-governmental organizations in conducting the monitoring and assessment of
the government?s performance in delivering the social programs must be
innovative. YKPM using the social audit approach as a tool for community-citizen
to assess the performance of social programs IASMO Bebas implemented by the
government of Makassar City. Social Audit is a process to understand and
measure the performance of agencies and programs (institutional and program
performances) from the social aspects, excluding the financial aspects. In practical
terms, the social audit is a systematic monitoring activity, of which also provides
an overview of the said stakeholders? performance in a democratic manner.;Non-governmental organizations in conducting the monitoring and assessment of
the government?s performance in delivering the social programs must be
innovative. YKPM using the social audit approach as a tool for community-citizen
to assess the performance of social programs IASMO Bebas implemented by the
government of Makassar City. Social Audit is a process to understand and
measure the performance of agencies and programs (institutional and program
performances) from the social aspects, excluding the financial aspects. In practical
terms, the social audit is a systematic monitoring activity, of which also provides
an overview of the said stakeholders? performance in a democratic manner, Non-governmental organizations in conducting the monitoring and assessment of
the government?s performance in delivering the social programs must be
innovative. YKPM using the social audit approach as a tool for community-citizen
to assess the performance of social programs IASMO Bebas implemented by the
government of Makassar City. Social Audit is a process to understand and
measure the performance of agencies and programs (institutional and program
performances) from the social aspects, excluding the financial aspects. In practical
terms, the social audit is a systematic monitoring activity, of which also provides
an overview of the said stakeholders? performance in a democratic manner]